A new skirt- Merci!

Remember my post about new fabrics recently?

I chose the Eiffel tower fabric to make a tiered skirt for myself! (As I only have one pair of maternity shorts and 2 dresses I can fit)

I matched it with a navy blue print I had – even though the Eiffel tower is black and white, but I have lots of shirts in blue and I love to wear blue, so….

I measured my waist and then chose from that to have two WOFs for the top tier, then 3 for the 2nd one, 4 for the 3rd and 5 for the last one. I also measured the length I wanted and divided by 4 plus seam allowances.

I didn’t add any extra height to the top tier even though I used a 1” elastic in the waist, but figured it would be okay and I’d cover it with a shirt anyway, so you wouldn’t notice a difference in the tier anyways.

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here’s a side view at 22wks 🙂

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As you can tell it’s VERY flared, but I kind of like it.

Super easy to make and took one afternoon to make.

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so VOILA! easy peasy 🙂

8 thoughts on “A new skirt- Merci!”

  1. Love your new skirt, Bea! Sure uses a lot of fabric! How much longer do you have to go? Hope you have an easy delivery.

  2. what a pretty skirt the fabric has made, seem to think we used to call these ra ra skirts back in the 70`ss you are looking very well, when is the baby due does not look as though you have much longer to go

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