a new mini purse

Before I show you the mini purse, I have to show two more purse pin cushions


I really like to add the fabric handles and this is how I did it, by cutting a 8” strip of fabric 2” wide, sewing it like a hanging loop and then sewed in between the sides and top of the purse. Easy peasy.


Now onto the mini purse, first the file said it was 5 x 7” hoop but in my machine it didn’t let me do it, so instead of messing with it too much I added the BIG hoop and stitched it out, here I chose a b/w theme and also did the rose in grey and black and white


Here’s the purse done


it’s small but cute


The directions actually had the assembly in the hoop but to tape it down with wide clear tape, I didn’t feel comfortable about that, so I pieced it together on the sewing machine, this way too I added an opening to the lining to turn inside out


and there’s small felt pockets inside too, now it said to knot the straps and logically it would be this way, but I may have the handles be attached in the middle instead….


are you getting ready for GOBBLE GOBBLE day?

my husband is finishing painting our kitchen/ family room, tomorrow we’ll cook and in between we’ll decorate for Christmas, that’s often a black Friday thing with us, since we DON’T go shopping then.- maybe ONLINE shopping but not in the stores or the mall. NO thanks!

7 thoughts on “a new mini purse”

  1. Cute purses. We usually skip those Black friday Nightmare sales as well. I value my life too much to go to that crazy stuff…Have a Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow.

  2. Lovely little bag. I see you are seriously ready for the next round of the pincushion swap!

  3. Cute little bag…and those pin cushions are so awesome! I usually skip the black Friday rush…

  4. I'm totally with you on the black Friday store shopping. Crazy, crazy, crazy. LOL. I think it's mostly store scams anyways.

  5. Sowing Stitches

    Happy Thanksgiving!Just wanted to pop by and say thanks for your Scrappy Chains Quilt Along…I've been admiring this block and now this week have finally started raiding my scraps! 4 blocks complete! 🙂

  6. Your little purse pin cushions are very cute. Love the newest mini purse. Blessings…

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