A New blog hop – dust off your book

I’m hosting a new blog hop!

“Dust off a quilt book”

This is the second year with this theme. Since it’s January, we often think of cleaning or getting rid of old “stuff” well this is to encourage you to go thru those old Quilt books and maybe they are really “ugly” or you say “what was I thinking”? Now I challenge you to get one of these books- the OLDER THE BETTER! and make something from that book! It doesn’t have to be the exact thing in the book, it could be one block, that’s turned into a pincushion, pillow or something small, or it could be just the colors you are inspired by or something else?

I’ll have a prize for the person with the OLDEST book! (and yes, a book, NOT a magazine, sorry)

I’ll also have a giveaway for blog readers! (If you want to add a giveaway, that’s up to you)

so part of your blog post you have to show the year the book was published! (if you want to be in the drawing at least)

I don’t have all my sponsors lined up yet, so you’ll have to wait on that.

Who wants to join? The dates are March 2-6.

Comment below or better yet, email me…

add your blog name and website url.

your email address

and the date you prefer

Let the fun begin!!



13 thoughts on “A New blog hop – dust off your book”

  1. I am in! I prefer the later date Mar 6 so it gives me a few more days to complete. I am excited to start something new since the last new quilt start was March 7, 2018. Yes, that says 2018. Nearly 2 years ago.

  2. Angie in SoCal

    I’m in! I’m going through my magazines right now. So far I’ve gone through 16 of them and gotten rid of 11.
    Books are next.

    1. Earlier date would be fine if you still have open spots. I’ve got my book already. If you’re full up, that’s okay too. I’ll just do this for myself – a great idea.

  3. I loved this theme last year! I have a book in mind already–I just emailed you my info. Looking forward to seeing what books people use and what they come up with!

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