A mini vacation

Monday – Tuesday we went to Great Wolf Lodge in Charlotte NC (about 2hrs from us)

Everyone had fun and I could finally try the slides! (even though we took turns watching the little ones)- The Tornado is AWESOME!!!

Because we’re now a family of 6 we had to get a bigger room and got a Kid Cabin (I think) the kids area was a “cabin” with a bunk bed and day bed.


We got there around 2 on Monday and our room was ready right away and we checked in and changed and went swimming right away.

This BUCKET is fun for the kids, every 5 min or so this large bucket fills with water and then dumps it over a structure and over the kids


Anja was a bit scared of the water even the shallow water, not crying but just grabbing on to me firmly! and she eventually puckered out too.



Dan and I took turns entertaining the little ones or going on rides with the bigger kids, I just wanted to try everything at least once!


When I booked the trip I asked for an IBM discount, which we got last time, but this time it was almost nothing! but the rep gave me a further discount and $50 resort credit!

So part of that money went to this rope course for the big kids, they were on it for about an hour I think and they loved it, I just dropped them off and watched for a bit and headed back to our room because Dan had to go get pizza for dinner Smile


at 8pm Sonja and I went down to the lobby and watched a show and story time and both Sonja and Solveig also got a stuffed animal, Solveig got another TY owl, she’s collecting owls!

Sonja picked a rainbow wolf Smile

There went that $50 lol



Before everyone woke upTuesday, I was awake with Anja and we didn’t sleep well at all, I had her in a pack n play next to the bed and when she woke up to eat in the middle of the night I tried to be super quiet but I could not sleep, I tried the couch, didn’t work, Dan was tossing and turning too, it was a rough night and at 7 I took Anja in the stroller and went downstairs to get coffee at Dunkin Donuts, I went back up and Dan and I went back down and he said too it was the worst bed he’d ever slept on (so it wasn’t just me) so while he got his coffee at D&D I decided to mention something to the front desk, also that we had a light bulb missing and the TV’s reception was bad, the guy behind the desk was super nice and gave the whole family a free breakfast buffet!! So by the time all the kids were awake, we had the buffet and packed everything in the car, then went swimming again until after lunch time!

I was very impressed with that service, wasn’t expecting that, just figured I’d say something for the next people…


THEN, 5-10 min away was IKEA! we had never been there before (I had in Denmark growing up, and never understood what the big hype was about over here)


WOW! that place was huge and awesome!


for a really late lunch I had gravad lax- yum haven’t had that in years!

Plus we bought some DAIM chocolate that I haven’t had in years either.


everything tuckered everyone out!


But only Sonja for a little bit, she wanted to play with my phone Smile


It was a great trip, but there’s no place like home, no place like home!

1 thought on “A mini vacation”

  1. sounds like you are just a big kid at heart!! What fun you all had such a shame about the bed though. I am an Ikea fan like going to just browse and get ideas also the fabric draws me in as fins it is quite good for backing quilts

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