a little here and there

Ugh! I think I’m sick 🙁

Stayed home from church yesterday with my son who had a sore throat too (hope we don’t have STREP!) did go to a home fellowship last night though, well I shouldn’t have done that, felt worse at night and this morning, but I did have a bit of a pity party in bed, but I knew that if I’d get out of bed I’d feel better soon, nothing a little quilting therapy can’t help!

Still not 100% but it helped….

At the end of the week I did finish quilting this customer quilt, it was HUGE 102 x 105

 A nice curvey meandering all over

 You can see it much better on the back 🙂

 I also worked on MMRR block for march, but haven’t mailed it off yet

 and I’m still pouting about my view being gone!!

 Look at these guys!? nuts!?

 I finished last weeks women of the bible quilt block Michal

 ugh! I don’t like Y seams, but the block turned out fine

 Now…. I was SEW excited to get THIS in the mail friday!!


 and I told you I finally found my PED basic so I wanted to PLAY! well my machine is SO old it didn’t see the pes files from EQ stitch, it sees other pes files just fine, very odd! I’ve worked with electric quilt and the lady who helped develop the program, and Brother…..

well let’s just say NOW I’m dreaming of a new embroidery machine!

any tips? I’m drooling over a BIG hoop

 I sewed this stuffed owl together this weekend and thought I’d CHEAT and use velcro for the wings, they lasted about 2 min then the velcro fell off- I didn’t sew it on, so I have to go back and actually hand sew the wings on like the directions say to do!

Here’s a February collage

I guess you can see what I’ve been busy with that month! ahhhh’s 🙂

7 thoughts on “a little here and there”

  1. So sorry you have been sick! But it looks like you got a lot accomplished anyway. Sweet sweet baby photos!!

  2. tubilinha tiacarminha

    Acho que você deve sair de cima de sua filha…Coruja-mamãe. (piscar)Fique bem.Deus te abençoe.

  3. where do I start, I love the meandering on that quilt, it's more like wonderful waves. I'd be pouting too if my view were taken away like that. That is why we purchased the property next door to us just to keep anything else out. I've been watching the bible blocks and I love each and everyone of them. I've learned the hard way about trying to use velcro in odd places too. 🙂 Sonja as always is adorable

  4. No fun being sick, but at least you could quilt. : )I like that design you used on the customer quilt.Your Bible Women block turned out lovely–Y-seams and all!Love the shot of Sonja sleeping. You got so many things done in February! Wow!!

  5. Fleur de Lis Quilts

    Sonja's is so sweet sleeping in that picture. Hmm, it appears that you're sick so the rest of us can keep up! Imagine what you'd do otherwise. Really, I'm sorry that you've been sick. Here's a prayer that your quilt therapy works and that neither of you has strep. Mary

  6. Handige Handjes

    Sorry to hear you're sick…but…EStitch will make you better soon…LOL.My DVD arrived today, and it's so much fun!!!Have a nice day!

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