I finished these scrappy brown and light blue blocks and tried to see which layout I liked best
Option A all going the same way
Option B alternating blocks
(You’ll see later which one I chose, the top is already done and ready to be quilted!)
I also finished this box star top and sent a pattern to testers!
and then I was adding borders to this quilt (which I’ll probably turn into a pattern too) and I noticed I totally goofed on the columns! Look at the color placement! So now the top is in time out in a bin until I figure out if I’ll removed all the borders and start over with the rows or columns or if I can sort of unrip a block and sew it back together??
Bad TOP!
purchased “this little piggy” from Love Sew. Making gift quilts on behalf of my small local church with another woman for Ukraine refugees. Wish to share the pattern with her. Would like permission to do that. Thanks. LaDonna at labrunk@heartofiowa.net
You can’t share patterns, each person should buy the pattern, it’s a copyright infringement…. Not that I would have a way of checking if you did share it or not.
Sorry about the ripping out. What a pain. It will be worth it.