A few new things

On Monday (Labor day) my husband added another two high hat light in my room upstairs, I had two over the sink area but it didn’t quite light up the ironing board and the 2nd spot was my design wall, I only take/took pictures during day time and if it was sunny outside.

I didn’t complain or anything, just something I had mentioned a while ago and VOILA! hubby decided to do it….. and WHAT a change!!

so much light now! I now have 7 high hat lights and a fan in my room (don’t use the light on the fan) and these lights in the high hats are only 15watts each. He also took off the door into my room, as the room next to it, is the kids TV room, so it doesn’t need a closed door.

I LOVE to look over there now, it’s SEW nice! thanks babe Smile

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I got another little goodie bag in the mail too this week (actually 2 but can’t show #2 yet)

A pin cushion from Debra, from the pin cushion swap.

Isn’t it cute? and I admire the little hanging label too, wonder if I can make something like that on the embroidery machine?? I do want something like that for the dresses I make for Sonja, not so much for the name but for the size!

anyways, I’ll add pins to this cute pin cushion this month for sure Smile

Thanks Debra!

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And I also finished another ahhhh 7 wishes hexagon.

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Stay tuned too for a QUILT along!!

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