a few blocks and projects

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I have caught up on the Road Home Along Row along and I’m doing DENMARK!!


Now that I’ve seen the list of participants I might wait and do some of the rows, like NC and other states we’ve lived in….?? we’ll see.

I finished 3 more mini ohio star blocks, though I’m not loving the 3rd on in row 1, but I’ll keep it for now.


I also got a Tula pink FQ bundle from massdrop recently!


Now recently I read an article online that pretty much bashed massdrop and I just wanted to add my 2cents. I understand that the prices are lower so the fabric designer gets less per yard, but then they get it x 50 or 40!

-I’m comparing it to how I sell patterns online.

On craftsy I sell them usually for $9 and yes, after paypal, I get close to $8 I guess. Then I sell patterns on connecting threads and there I get about half the price, what I’m “paying for/losing” is their customer base, who buy the patterns.

Then I deal with quiltwoman.com also who sells whole sale and depending on who she sells it to, I earn less than $1 to a few $ per pattern, but wholesale; stores etc. have to buy several patterns at a time!

So, since I’m sort of “new” at selling patterns, I will say that I often earn about the same per month on each place!

So to me I’ll take any money from anywhere it comes….

Another thing, is that I live in the country and any quilt store is 45 min away and loading up 4 kids in the car to go up there and then paying $12 per yard plus then gas, lunch etc. it’s NOT happening…..

So I LOVE buying online Smile

Hope you get my point, I’m not bashing back the article I read, just saying my opinion and saying that I don’t feel bad ONE bit when I shop online incl massdrop.

And another online place I love of course is Connectingthreads!

I’m working on a secret project with these yummy fabrics!


wait and see

2 thoughts on “a few blocks and projects”

  1. Shirley Woods

    I can totally understand your position. I, too, live in the country and my nearest shops are an hour or more away. I do try to get to those shops but when I need something, I need it, and often the way to get it is online.Can't wait to see what happens with those gorgeous oranges.

  2. I live in a small town – and work at the local quilt shop, but I still occasionally purchase online. Sometimes that's the only way to get what I want, since our small shop can't stock everything! We try our best to shop local and support out local businesses, but sometimes online in the best option and we have to take advantage of that. I don't know what I would do without Amazon Prime!

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