A Baby Quilt for a friend at church

A lady at our church asked me to make her great-grandchild a quilt for her birthday (I think she turned 2) and I made it quite a few weeks ago but couldn’t show until after her birthday!

When we first talked and emailed back and forth, I told her to look at my patterns and see if she liked any designs, she liked Baby Stars but wanted it as a bed quilt and different colors, AND fabrics had to have some roses in it because the girl’s name is Matilda Rose.

So I sent her this EQ sketch.

She also wanted purple and yellow and maybe green or turquoise, so I came up with this, then we had to decide on fabrics and there wasn’t anything on Connecting Threads, so we decided to meet at JoAnn’s- I haven’t been there in so long!

We picked out the fabrics at JoAnn’s and had lunch together afterwards, and then I started making the quilt (after washing all the fabrics) here’s the blocks

Of course I used Accuquilt dies, which made it so much FASTER!

I had also showed her the letter alphabet die and cut out the letters with that after applying fusible onto the back.

And here’s the top!

It’s hard to tell but the dark purple border is a rose print, so success with that!!

And here’s the quilt all done and I quilted a ROSE design all over it too in a pale purple thread!

Pat was very happy with it! (and paid me)

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