7 minute post about last night’s class

Last night we had another quilt class here, next week will be the last one.

anyways, all 3 finished their quilt tops using my pattern 🙂

and one applique block of their own choice

Here’s Ashley’s!

nice and christmas-ey.

she appliqued a christmas stocking

Here’s Katie’s quilt.

Nice and bright with some cute appliqued flowers

and here’s Stephanie’s

very nice in well coordinated fabrics.

and applique flowers

Fun to see the 3 different looks from ONE pattern

This was my design from EQ, I have the real quilt and took a picture of it, but can’t find it right now.

I was supposed to have just 7 min for this post, today is Solveig’s birthday and I’m mixing the frosting for her cake right now, it had to mix for 7 min…. well the timer DINGED already,

so time to go.

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