50 states quilt along Colorado

covering america2

This week’s block is Colorado


Here’s some facts about Colorado

Colorado flag

Colorado means “colored red” and is known as the “Centennial State.”

  • Admission to Statehood:

    August 1, 1876 (38th State)

    Colorado is the only state in history, to turn down the Olympics. In 1976 the Winter Olympics were planned to be held in Denver. 62% of all state Voters choose at almost the last minute not to host the Olympics, because of the cost, pollution and population boom it would have on the State Of Colorado, and the City of Denver

    The highest paved road in North America is the Road to Mt. Evans off of I-70 from Idaho Springs. The Road climbs up to 14,258 Ft. above sea level.

    The 13th step of the state capital building in Denver is exactly 1 mile high above sea level.

    The world’s largest silver nugget (1,840 pounds) found in 1894 near Aspen, Colorado

    Hundreds of thousands of valentines are re-mailed each year from Loveland.

    Rocky Ford has been dubbed the “melon capital of the world.”

    The aptly named town of Twin Lakes lays adjacent two natural lakes at the foot of Colorado’s highest Fourteener, Mt. Elbert.

    and some fun facts

    Let it Fly
    If you would just love to toss a cold drink in someone particular’s face, it’s a good idea to do it in Colorado.
    The air of this state makes objects fly further which is bad news for that particular someone but great news for your time on the golf course

    Sorry, We’re Closed
    You will find businesses giving special observation to Sunday as a typical day for religious appreciation, but Colorado has taken it to a new level.
    Car dealers are not allowed to show their cars on Sunday because we all know God hates a dirty dealer.

    Let Sleeping Women Lie
    You may love snuggling up to your wife and giving her a nice kiss while she sleeps, but this is completely illegal in Colorado.
    If you have to let a sleeping woman lie alone and keep your kisses to yourself.

    Redless Nights
    Yet, women probably do a lot more sleeping in Colorado than enjoying the night life since they have limited wardrobe selections after 7 PM. It is illegal for women wearing red dresses to hit the Colorado streets after this time.

    Here Comes Kitty!
    You would get pulled over by the police if you drove your car around town without taillights, so why wouldn’t you give your cat the same courtesy?
    Colorado cats have to be fitted with taillights if they are to run loose in the streets.
    Everyone has to see them coming and going, of course!


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  • 2 thoughts on “50 states quilt along Colorado”

    1. muis huismuis

      Thank you for the little data-bits on all the different states – it makes for interesting reading! Love it!

    Comments are closed.

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