2022 quilt project list week 8

Homeschooling is going great, we’re still learning about the founding fathers and I drew this little diagram (sort of copied from the book) about how the US government is set up and how it’s SUPPOSED to prevent corruption, to keep each other in check!

I finished my mini bowties and I think I have a plan for these, but they are put away for now! I’ll show my plan later.

Tuesday we went to the Zoo with some friends we haven’t seen in 5 years!! we had a great time and the animals that were out were VERY close, usually the Arctic fox hides in the corner, but not this time!

The same with the Ocelot, you just want to cuddle up with it (while it can claw and bite off your face??!!) But it sure looks cute!

And here in NC the Elephants look red because the soil is a red clay dirt, and since the elephants like to take dust baths, they look red!

Did you know that elephants are the only mammals who can’t jump! (That would be some BIG holes then!!)

 Here’s my 2022 Quilt list

anything I worked on is in red

#1 (Jan 2021) Gnome EPP project- #3 done

#2 (Oct 2021) scrap box of  chocolate- sewing the last blocks , I think I have a plan!

#3 (Oct 2021) brown and light blue scrap blocks- cut out several pieces

#4 (Oct 2021) 2in bow ties- sewing them together, have a plan too I think

#5 (Oct 2021) Blue and Yellow shoo fly blocks- quilted, needs binding

#6 (Oct 2021) Grandpa button blocks with beige- several blocks made

#7 (Nov 2021) Geode QUBE quilt for AQ- DONE and mailed

#8 (Nov 2021) Pink and purple strings quilt-DONE!

#9 (Nov 2021) Mickey Quilt ” You’re so fine”- DONE! pattern in my shop

#10 (Nov 2021) Martha’s Stillness BL208 – DONE! pattern in my shop

#13 (Nov 2021) Flutterby bL207- top done, pattern coming soon

#14 (Nov 2021) Frozen Pond BL205- DONE! pattern in my shop

#15 (Nov 2021) 2022 QAL Rising Star 8 in QUBE BL204- tops done, pattern in my shop

#16 (Nov 2021) 2022 QAL Rising Star 4 in QUBE BL204- tops done, pattern in my shop

#17 (Nov 2021) Fragility quilt- top done, pattern coming soon

#18 (Dec 2021) Log Cabin quilt Smooches BL209- top done, pattern in my shop

#19 (Jan 2022) Runner for Love Sew- DONE and mailed

#20 (Jan 2022) Tree quilt for Accuquilt- DONE and mailed

#21 (Jan 2022) Goose Track quilt for Accuquilt- DONE and mailed

#22 (Jan 2022) Rainbow on point for Accuquilt- DONE!

#23 (Jan 2022) Snowball runner for blog hop- DONE!

#24 (Jan) scrappy pineapple quilt- top done, ready to quilt

#25 (Jan) Cafe Latte QUBE quilt- quilted- pattern coming soon

#26 (Jan) QUBE quilt for Accuquilt’s blog- DONE!

#27 (Feb) Island Batik Full Moon quilt- DONE and mailed! pattern in my shop

#28 (Feb) hourglass quilt for blog hop- top done

#29 (Feb) Lemon prints quilt- sewing blocks together

I’m always looking for pattern testers, so if you want to get added to my list, email me or comment!

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