2022 quilt project list week 29

We had VBS for just one day last Saturday and it was a fun and long day!

I was in charge of the crafts, and usually it’s just me, but this time I had a helper who planned and prepped the second craft we were doing, then 2 days before VBS she got Covid! So another lady stepped up to help me and the way we do VBS is in “stations” so the kids have a teacher or two already and move around to the stations, we had 25 total kids in 3 groups, the largest group had 10 kids.

The VBS theme was Ephesians 6:10-18 put on the Armor of God!

Dan had cut out these shields in wood and we got gold and silver and black paint to paint them (we’ve used this shield before for a medieval themed VBS)

The other was a sword made out of pool noodles and a PVC pipe inside and then lots of TAPE and stickers!

The kids did great and had fun! Sonja and Anja participated, Bjorn and Solveig helped the youth group doing the “Arena” games! so we all helped one way or another! Oh and our pastor’s wife got Covid too, and she usually runs the VBS, so our church’s secretary- Brittney did that part 🙂

Brittney also homeschools, she was the one who really helped me when we decided to homeschool and then I found Sonlight! She uses Charlotte Mason with her kids and hosts a “scouting” co-op at her house, we participated last year and I’ve shown that Solveig started making and selling button pins for it, well now she finally finished a whole set of 12 to go with the scouting book-which Brittney wrote!

and now I have the whole set of button pins listed on Etsy!

I recently sent a quilt to my friend from Florida’s daughter who just had a baby! When I graduated after college in FL I got a job (not related to my degree at all) at a phone company and I met Nancy! her and I became friends and she had 2 daughters Maddie and Sadie who were 7 and 11, now Maddie is in her mid 30s, got married almost 2 years ago and now has a baby!! wow I feel old!! ha ha, I guess that’s life.

I’ve been making stuffed owls and eyeglass cases but I’ll have to show those in a post next week!

Here’s my 2022 Quilt list


anything I worked on is in red

#1 (Jan 2021) Gnome EPP project- #3 done worked a bit on one on our last trip

#2 (Oct 2021) Fruit Cake-DONE! pattern in my shop

#3 (Oct 2021) brown and light blue scrap blocks- DONE!

#4 (Oct 2021) 2in bow ties- blocks done, have a plan too I think

#5 (Oct 2021) Blue and Yellow shoo fly blocks- DONE! pattern in my shop

#6 (Oct 2021) Grandpa button blocks with beige- several blocks made

#7 (Nov 2021) Geode QUBE quilt for AQ- DONE and mailed

#8 (Nov 2021) Pink and purple strings quilt-DONE! pattern in my shop

#9 (Nov 2021) Mickey Quilt ” You’re so fine”- DONE! pattern in my shop

#10 (Nov 2021) Martha’s Stillness BL208 – DONE! pattern in my shop

#13 (Nov 2021) Flutterby bL207- DONE, pattern in my shop

#14 (Nov 2021) Frozen Pond BL205- DONE! pattern in my shop

#15 (Nov 2021) 2022 QAL Rising Star 8 in QUBE BL204- top done, pattern in my shop

#16 (Nov 2021) 2022 QAL Rising Star 4 in QUBE BL204- DONE, pattern in my shop

#17 (Nov 2021) Fragility quilt- DONE! pattern in my shop

#18 (Dec 2021) Log Cabin quilt Smooches BL209- top done, pattern in my shop

#19 (Jan 2022) Runner for Love Sew- DONE and mailed

#20 (Jan 2022) Tree quilt for Accuquilt- DONE and mailed

#21 (Jan 2022) Goose Track quilt for Accuquilt- DONE and mailed

#22 (Jan 2022) Rainbow on point for Accuquilt- DONE!

#23 (Jan 2022) Snowball runner for blog hop- DONE!

#24 (Jan) scrappy pineapple quilt- DONE!

#25 (Jan) Cafe Latte QUBE quilt- DONE- pattern in my shop

#26 (Jan) QUBE quilt for Accuquilt’s blog- DONE!

#27 (Feb) Island Batik Full Moon quilt- DONE and mailed and returned to me! pattern in my shop

#28 (Feb) hourglass quilt for blog hop- DONE! pattern in my shop

#29 (Feb) RELAXATION- DONE, pattern in my shop

#30 (March) star pink grey Lucky quilt for AQ- done and mailed

#31 (March) leaf quilt for McCall’s -DONE and mailed

#32 (March) Chick quilt- DONE! pattern in my shop

#33 (March) EPP flowers- working on blocks

#34 (March) Red, White, Blue quilt- DONE, pattern in my shop

#35 (March) Blue and White stars- DONE! Blog post for Accuquilt

#36 (March) Defenestration FQ quilt-DONE! pattern in my shop

#37 (March) Rainbow arrows- working on blocks

#38 (March) Black and white runner- DONE!

#39 (April) Farmer’s Wife sampler- top DONE!

#40 (April) charm brown quilt- DONE!

#41 (April) – Storm at sea quilt for AQ- DONE and mailed

#42 (April) Christmas and Grey spinner quilt for AQ- DONE! and mailed

#43 (April) Kronk quilt-DONE pattern in my shop

#44 (April) Furball quilt-  DONE! pattern in my shop

#45 (??) Night on the town- DONE pattern in my shop

#46 (??) Fine China FQ friendly- DONE pattern in my shop

#47 (May) School house Rainbow for Accuquilt blog- DONE!

#48 (May) Patriotic log cabin QUBE quilt for Accuquilt blog-DONE!

#49 (May) Coin Toss quilt- quilted, needs binding pattern coming soon

#50 (May) Gnome project for Accuquilt blog- DONE!

#51 (June) Turquoise Crown quilt- top done

#52 (June) Blizzard MMF fabrics- DONE! pattern in my shop

#53 (June) Piggy quilt-top done ready to quilt

#54 (June) Orange and red butterfly star quilt-DONE! pattern coming soon

#55 (June) Grey White Gracie Batik quilt- top done ready to quilt

#56 (June) Blue Teal card trick- top done ready to quilt

#57 (June) Black patterned and grey and pink quilt- top done ready to quilt

#58 (June) Candy corn quilt for Accuquilt- DONE! and mailed

#59 (June) Pinata Blue and Yellow solid quilt for Accuquilt- DONE! and mailed

#60 (?Jan or Feb) Pink and Black Lucky Star quilt for Accuquilt- DONE

#61 (July) Blue and Grey and White quilt for Accuquilt- DONE and mailed

#62 (July) Rainbow Washington for Accuquilt- DONE and mailed

#63 (July) Crown of thorns baby scrappy quilt- working on blocks

#64 (July) Yellow and grey scrappy pineapple quilt- working on blocks

#65 (July) rainbow nine patch quilt different- working on blocks

#66 (July) Wild world animals -working on blocks

#67 (July) purple and pink Garden of Eden- working on blocks

#68 (July) blue and teal Underwater Stars- working on blocks

#69 (4-5years ago) birthday quilt- DONE!

I’m always looking for pattern testers, so if you want to get added to my list, email me or comment!

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