2022 project list week 30

We started school this week! It was actually Sonja’s idea because I had bought a few school supplies and then she also thought that we’d finish the school year early or have time for more breaks over the school year, plus this year we’re doing 4 days a week instead of 5 so the 5th day can be for fun stuff like field trips, baking or a catch up day.

Swiffer was good at helping Sonja with her math!

Then Monday a friend texted me if we wanted to go to the lake with her and her kids on Tuesday, so we did, it was nice, a bit cloudy and a few showers which lasted only 5-10 min…. We had fun!

5 min after we got to the lake I got stung by a yellow jacket! my friend helped get the stinger out and I was ok when I was in the water, but the day after it was red and swollen and super itchy, I use an ice pack and tried antihistamines and it didn’t work at all…. STUPID bee!!

Wednesday we hardly did school because we were too tired and I figured we’d work slow until Solveig and Bjorn go back to school, then Thursday Sonja just had a complete attitude all day, she woke up and bickered to Anja, then to me, then complained about school, asked about when the next break is, ugh!


On a happier note, I got this FQ bundle in the mail this week, I have no plan for it yet, but I thought they were cute and they were on sale, so why not? I usually don’t do impulse buys but I did this time 😉

Here’s my 2022 Quilt list


anything I worked on is in red

#1 (Jan 2021) Gnome EPP project- #3 done worked a bit on one on our last trip

#2 (Oct 2021) Fruit Cake-DONE! pattern in my shop

#3 (Oct 2021) brown and light blue scrap blocks- DONE!

#4 (Oct 2021) 2in bow ties- blocks done, have a plan too I think

#5 (Oct 2021) Blue and Yellow shoo fly blocks- DONE! pattern in my shop

#6 (Oct 2021) Grandpa button blocks with beige- several blocks made

#7 (Nov 2021) Geode QUBE quilt for AQ- DONE and mailed

#8 (Nov 2021) Pink and purple strings quilt-DONE! pattern in my shop

#9 (Nov 2021) Mickey Quilt ” You’re so fine”- DONE! pattern in my shop

#10 (Nov 2021) Martha’s Stillness BL208 – DONE! pattern in my shop

#13 (Nov 2021) Flutterby bL207- DONE, pattern in my shop

#14 (Nov 2021) Frozen Pond BL205- DONE! pattern in my shop

#15 (Nov 2021) 2022 QAL Rising Star 8 in QUBE BL204- top done, pattern in my shop

#16 (Nov 2021) 2022 QAL Rising Star 4 in QUBE BL204- DONE, pattern in my shop

#17 (Nov 2021) Fragility quilt- DONE! pattern in my shop

#18 (Dec 2021) Log Cabin quilt Smooches BL209- top done, pattern in my shop

#19 (Jan 2022) Runner for Love Sew- DONE and mailed

#20 (Jan 2022) Tree quilt for Accuquilt- DONE and mailed

#21 (Jan 2022) Goose Track quilt for Accuquilt- DONE and mailed

#22 (Jan 2022) Rainbow on point for Accuquilt- DONE!

#23 (Jan 2022) Snowball runner for blog hop- DONE!

#24 (Jan) scrappy pineapple quilt- DONE!

#25 (Jan) Cafe Latte QUBE quilt- DONE- pattern in my shop

#26 (Jan) QUBE quilt for Accuquilt’s blog- DONE!

#27 (Feb) Island Batik Full Moon quilt- DONE and mailed and returned to me! pattern in my shop

#28 (Feb) hourglass quilt for blog hop- DONE! pattern in my shop

#29 (Feb) RELAXATION- DONE, pattern in my shop

#30 (March) star pink grey Lucky quilt for AQ- done and mailed

#31 (March) leaf quilt for McCall’s -DONE and mailed

#32 (March) Chick quilt- DONE! pattern in my shop

#33 (March) EPP flowers- working on blocks

#34 (March) Red, White, Blue quilt- DONE, pattern in my shop

#35 (March) Blue and White stars- DONE! Blog post for Accuquilt

#36 (March) Defenestration FQ quilt-DONE! pattern in my shop

#37 (March) Rainbow arrows- working on blocks

#38 (March) Black and white runner- DONE!

#39 (April) Farmer’s Wife sampler- top DONE!

#40 (April) charm brown quilt- DONE!

#41 (April) – Storm at sea quilt for AQ- DONE and mailed

#42 (April) Christmas and Grey spinner quilt for AQ- DONE! and mailed

#43 (April) Kronk quilt-DONE pattern in my shop

#44 (April) Furball quilt-  DONE! pattern in my shop

#45 (??) Night on the town- DONE pattern in my shop

#46 (??) Fine China FQ friendly- DONE pattern in my shop

#47 (May) School house Rainbow for Accuquilt blog- DONE!

#48 (May) Patriotic log cabin QUBE quilt for Accuquilt blog-DONE!

#49 (May) Coin Toss quilt- quilted, needs binding pattern coming soon

#50 (May) Gnome project for Accuquilt blog- DONE!

#51 (June) Turquoise Crown quilt- top done

#52 (June) Blizzard MMF fabrics- DONE! pattern in my shop

#53 (June) Piggy quilt-top done ready to quilt

#54 (June) Super Nova quilt-DONE! pattern coming soon

#55 (June) Grey White Gracie Batik quilt- top done ready to quilt

#56 (June) Blue Teal card trick- top done ready to quilt

#57 (June) Black patterned and grey and pink quilt- top done ready to quilt

#58 (June) Candy corn quilt for Accuquilt- DONE! and mailed

#59 (June) Pinata Blue and Yellow solid quilt for Accuquilt- DONE! and mailed

#60 (?Jan or Feb) Pink and Black Lucky Star quilt for Accuquilt- DONE

#61 (July) Blue and Grey and White quilt for Accuquilt- DONE and mailed

#62 (July) Rainbow Washington for Accuquilt- DONE and mailed

#63 (July) Crown of thorns baby scrappy quilt- top done ready to quilt

#64 (July) Yellow and grey scrappy pineapple quilt- working on blocks

#65 (July) rainbow nine patch quilt different- working on blocks

#66 (July) Wild world animals -top done ready to quilt

#67 (July) purple and pink Garden of Eden- top done ready to quilt

#68 (July) blue and teal Underwater Stars- working on blocks

#69 (4-5years ago) birthday quilt- DONE!

I’m always looking for pattern testers, so if you want to get added to my list, email me or comment!

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