2021 Quilt Project list week 6

This week was plan B back to school for Highschoolers! Solveig went back Monday and Tuesday and was really excited about it

Still had to wear a mask and I found out in the afternoon that they couldn’t talk without a mask, of course no hugging or touching, no cafeteria, tables 6 ft apart, so basically Prison!

I got some FQ bundles this week from, gosh, now I can’t remember the name, but they make their own cute bundles, and I’ve been on their mailing list for a long time, but don’t think I ever ordered from them before! Anyways, I’m already working with the red and white bundle and planning on writing a pattern for it!

And look at this! This is my “to be quilted” board and it’s empty!! That never happens!! – Don’t worry though, I have 2 quilts in the works and more coming…..

This week Chewy went to the groomer again and was really happy!

Then this week I drove by this salon in town that has some of my quilts on display in their window, maybe they’ve had them for a year, it WAS before Covid, and because of Covid I wasn’t able to pick them up in the spring and just didn’t think about it over the summer, now I drove by and the OPEN sign was on, so I whipped the car in there and figured I’d take them all home- no luck selling there, when I started picking them up I was horrified to see mold on them!! several were in a window sill shelf and touched the window so they got moldy!! My fault for not checking on them or having a contract, noone was there who I knew, so I left a note and took my quilts. Lesson learned!! They are now in the wash, but I don’t know if that will work, even if it does, they are not “NEW” anymore, I’m so bummed!

I’ve washed them twice now and some at least smell better but these with mold stains are NOT coming clean. I don’t even know if I can donate them!?

If I worked on the quilt recently it’s in RED

2021 Quilt list

#1(Aug2020) Brown with applique quilt- top done needs applique

#2 (Sept2020) Heart 10″ squares quilt- DONE!

#3 (Oct2020) Sampler JUMBLED QAL!- DONE!

#4 (Nov2020) Scrappy pineapple Hawaii quilt- DONE!

#5 (Dec2020)Black and White Midnight Stars table runner- DONE!

#6 (Dec2020) Red White and blue Patriotic star table runner- DONE!

#7 (Dec2020) Go Green table runner- DONE!

#8 (Dec2020) Rolling Boulders table runner- DONE!

#9 (Dec2020) French braid quilt new pattern- DONE!

#10 (Dec2020) Meringues quilt new pattern-DONE!

Meringues quilt

#11 (Dec2020) Pink Bird quilt for AQ- DONE and mailed

#12 (Dec 2020) Cat quilt floral- DONE!

#13 (Jan) Gnome EPP project- not sure what I’m making yet but slowly working on it

#14 (Jan) Green and purple scrap quilt- DONE!

#15 (Jan) Full Moon quilt and pattern- DONE!

#16 (Jan) Book blended quilt- top done

#17 (Jan) Striped quilt- DONE!

#18 (Jan) String batik blog hop quilt- top done

#19 (Feb) Red and white log cabin quilt- working on blocks

#20 (Feb) Solids grey and muted quilt- working on blocks

I’ve left FB and Twitter and I’m in MeWe now, also have a Beaquilter “group” there you can follow

3 thoughts on “2021 Quilt Project list week 6”

  1. You could try soaking the mold-stained quilts in a very hot solution with OxiClean (soak for several hours or over night) and then washing them. It does work on a lot of typical stains. It even does a decent job on Carolina red mud stains. You could try it on one quilt before tackling the rest …

  2. I have always heard that soaking them in milk will take out mold! Not sure now that you have dried them–
    but it might be worth it to soak them overnight in –or for a few hours in milk!!!

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