2021 Project list week 36

It’s been 20 years since 9/11! I still remember it vividly, we lived in FL and I worked at Office Depot’s corporate office and a fellow coworker just told everyone a plane flew into the world trade center in NY! we all went to the break room to watch the TV and I called my husband on the phone (he was home) and while we talked he watched the 2nd plane hit LIVE on the TV, it was surreal for all of us! Since I worked in FL, a lot of people are from NY and they couldn’t reach their loved ones, it was pure panic, so they closed the call center-the whole corporate office and sent everyone home!

I later found out some friends from Maine were visiting NY that week and had planned on going to the world trade center that day but the day before had changed their plans! wow!

and now it’s 20 years later and we’re “sort of” out of Afghanistan, what a mess over there! This country has changed so much in 20 years since then!



We’ve finished up week 4 of homeschooling and I think it’s going pretty well, Sonja still “hates” school, but once she gets going, it’s not bad and I returned her math book and picked a different math curriculum for her and then did Anja too so they’d match.

One day while Sonja was doing her math, I was sitting across from her and saying Yes to her answers and she was impressed I could read upside down so she started writing her answers teeny tiny and giggling! (at least she’s laughing in math!!) then I told her to write BIG so she write really big and laughed even more!

For the number flash cards for Anja there was a game suggestion and it was a car race with dice, so we got out beanie boos instead and “raced” by rolling a die and seeing who got to 100 first! (okay, the hedgehog is NOT a beanie boo, that’s actually mine)

As a poem this week we read this tommy cat poem and it fits KRONK perfectly! well I can be friendly to him too but he’s more “Solveig’s cat”

And Sonja is still doing horse riding lessons, this week the trainer took her outside to ride!

I also finally ordered and installed a set of “red snappers” for my long arm, I had it on my previous setup and LOVED them, but sold the set with the frame as my newer frame was now 12ft instead of 10ft, I still have these blue large snaps and might still use those for just the top around the bar, I’ve done one quilt so far with the set up and was very happy with it, but was I was EVEN happier about was a problem I’ve had since day 1 of having this Grace frame with the Juki longarm, the grace frame’s rods are pieced together and they are FLEXIBLE! at first I had to train myself to not lean over when I was quilting- mostly I use automated so that’s not a problem, BUT when I have the quilt taught on the frame it still flexes a bit, it can be as much as 1/4″ from the sides of the quilt to the center of the quilt and over time that’s not good, my old frame was wooden but the pipes were conduit pipes from the hardware store, so we finally took a trip there and figured out to buy a 1 1/2″ pipe (10ft) and put the grace rod INSIDE it instead of something inside their rod, I tried it with the one quilt and it was BRILLIANT! I can lean on it and it doesn’t flex at all! now because it’s 10ft and not 12ft, I taped it on the sides so it doesn’t rotate around, but still it’s night and day compared to before! an easy $30 FIX!

here’s my 2021 project list, if I worked on the quilt recently it’s in RED

2021 Quilt list

#1(Aug2020) Brown with applique quilt- DONE!

#2 (Sept2020) Heart 10″ squares quilt- DONE!

#3 (Oct2020) Sampler JUMBLED QAL!- DONE! pattern in my shop

#4 (Nov2020) Scrappy pineapple Hawaii quilt- DONE! donated

#5 (Dec2020)Black and White Midnight Stars table runner- DONE!

#6 (Dec2020) Red White and blue Patriotic star table runner- DONE! SOLD on Etsy!!

#7 (Dec2020) Go Green table runner- DONE!

#8 (Dec2020) Rolling Boulders table runner- DONE!

#9 (Dec2020) French braid quilt new pattern- DONE! pattern in my shop

#10 (Dec2020) Meringues quilt new pattern-DONE! pattern in my shop

Meringues quilt

#11 (Dec2020) Pink Flamingo Bird quilt for AQ- DONE

#12 (Dec 2020) Cat quilt floral- DONE! donated    

#13 (Jan) Gnome EPP project- #3 done

#14 (Jan) Never ending story- DONE! pattern in my shop

#15 (Jan) Full Moon quilt and pattern- DONE! pattern in my shop

#16 (Jan) Book blended quilt- DONE!

#17 (Jan) Striped pink and teal quilt- DONE! donated to hospice

#18 (Jan) String batik blog hop quilt- DONE! donated to hospice

#19 (Feb) Red and white log cabin quilt- DONE! pattern in my shop

#20 (Feb) Solids grey and muted quilt Spinners- DONE! Morning Dew Pattern available in my shop

Donated to our church as a raffle quilt

#21 (Feb) Mini Ohio Star quilt blocks- DONE!

#22 (Feb) Orange Fan trick FQ quilt- DONE!

#23 (Feb) Easter 25 patch layer cake quilt- DONE!

#24 (Feb) Apple Pie quilt for pattern- DONE! pattern available in my shop

#25 (Feb) Tan/blue scrap quilt- DONE! pattern available in my shop

#26 (Feb) Red, Teal and orange quilt for Accuquilt- DONE!

#27 (Feb) Blizzard quilt- DONE! pattern available in my shop

blizzard quilt

#28 (Feb)Snail trail table topper- DONE!

#29 (March) Sweet dreams quilt- DONE, pattern in my shop

#30 (March) Sweet dreams big boy version- DONE pattern in my shop

#31 (March) Pastel and white quilt for Accuquilt- DONE

#32 (March) Black, White and Red quilt for AQ Crossroads- DONE!

#33 (March) Princess quilt- DONE! pattern in my shop

#34 (March) Wild World Quilt-DONE! pattern in my shop

donated to hospice

#35 (April) “Popsicle” quilt- top done, pattern in my shop

#36 (April) Red Tumblers- DONE! donated to hospice

#37 (April) train mini block modified quilt- DONE!

#38 (April) Spring Table runner for love-sew- done

#39 (April) Grey table runner for love-sew- done

#40 (April) Flannel topper for Mccall’s – DONE and mailed, just got back

#41 (April) Little piggy scrap quilt- DONE! pattern in my shop

#42 (April) Purple and grey Ohio Star Quilt- DONE! donated to hospice

#43 (April) Whirly Gig FUNKY version- DONE! pattern in my shop

hanging at “Creative Goat”

#44 (April) Baby quilt for love-sew- DONE!

#45 (April) Camellia quilt- DONE! pattern in my shop

#46 (May) pink and green table runner- DONE!

#47 (May) Fall Quilt for AQ- DONE!

#48 (May) Red and white “house” for AQ- DONE!

#49 (May) Primary colored stars for AQ- DONE!

#50 (May) Red Pink Star quilt for AQ- DONE!?

#51 (May) Batik Signature Layer Cake quilt- DONE! Pattern in my shop

#52 (May) Peach and Grey Sweet dreams quilt- DONE! pattern in my shop

#53 (May) Red, green and beige Beach Bum quilt- DONE! pattern in my shop

#54 (May) Sunbonnet quilt for AQ- DONE!

#55 (May) Anna First Step quilt- DONE! pattern in my shop

#56 (June) Windows quilt for love-sew-DONE!

#57 (June) Spinner quilt for love-sew- DONE

#58 (June) Houses quilt for love-sew- DONE!

#59 (June) Leaf quilt for love-sew- DONE!

#60 (June) Spiderweb quilt- DONE!

#61 (June) Underwater stars green mini quilt- DONE!

#62 (June) Mini Cat Stars- DONE pattern in my shop

#63 (June) Blue baby quilt-DONE!

#64 (June) Mini Pink star quilt, same as mini cat stars quilt just mini- DONE! pattern in my shop

#65 (June) Water from the well- DONE pattern in my shop

#66 (June) MM Animals-DONE, pattern in my shop

#67 (June) Hattie’s choice table runner- DONE!

#68 (July) Star of Bethlehem quilt- pattern in my shop

#69 (July) Crown of Thorns scrap quilt- DONE pattern in my shop

#70 (July) Blue and Turquoise pineapple quilt- DONE!

#71 (July) Baby Stars purple and yellow quilt- DONE and delivered to Pat pattern in my shop

#72 (July) Chili Pepper quilt- Chips and Salsa pattern in my shop

#73 (July) Mini sampler- DONE! pattern coming soon

#74 (August) Esther- DONE! pattern in my shop

#75 (August) Scarabs quilt- top done, ready to quilt

#76 (August) UNC quilt- DONE!

#77 (August) Crown of Thorns blue and green baby quilt- DONE – pattern in my shop

#78 (August) Fall Thank a veteran- top done ready to quilt

#79 (Aug) Grey Log Cabin- working on blocks

#80 (Aug) Glorified Nine patch quilt- top done, ready to quilt

#81 (Sept) Yellow Blue Star quilt- working on blocks

#82 (Sept) Blizzard table runner- top done, ready to quilt


I’m always looking for pattern testers, so if you want to get added to my list email me or comment!

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