2021 project list week 29

Another week is over, I know it’s been low on blog posts but I’ve been looking into a different “theme” for my site and finally found one and now I’m figuring stuff out, so don’t be surprised if you pop in and something doesn’t look right, give me some time 😉 But if you still see stuff wrong after a week or so, please email me!

So let me tell you too about a situation that happened this week!!

Bjorn works at Food Lion over the summer and actually Solveig just got a job there too- hasn’t started yet but will very soon, so the other day she had to go in and fill out paperwork so I drove her and Bjorn was already at work, I never know if he’s a cashier or doing carts, but we parked and got out of the car and this woman is yelling in the parking lot: “what’s your name?? YORN?? what’s your last name?” – I knew it was about Bjorn, so I walked over and asked her what it was about, she said “this kid just let the cart ram into my car” Ok, I don’t think the store is liable but you should talk to a manager, and of course she is rude and yelling loud, I said don’t yell at him, his just an employee! and Bjorn offered to get a Manager so he went inside, the woman said with her hand up and palm facing me: “Oh that’s none of your business, THANK YOU!….. Ohhh, it IS MY BUSINESS, he’s my son!! you shouldn’t yell at him like that, I’m sure it was an accident. “Oh look who’s yelling now?” she said. well yes you’re yelling at my son and being rude! I was about to walk away but turned around and took a picture of her license plate in case she decided to sue us I said, she got flustered and said ” don’t take a picture of me” I’m not, I’m taking a picture of your car, I walked away and she yelled she was filming me, I’m sure the parking lot cameras are too I pointed and walked away, as I walked away a guy told me it wasn’t Bjorn’s fault, the car ran away and he tried to catch it, actually Bjorn was the cashier but it was an old guy and he offered to follow him out and load his car and as he did and turned around the cart rolled away and bumped into her car before he could catch it, BUT when Bjorn walked over with the manager, the lady was sweet as pie and said it didn’t even bump the car, it rubbed right off! I still think the manager got her car information and Food Lion will contact her. What a $!#@%.

And the day before Bjorn was doing carts and an old lady had locked her keys in the car and Bjorn got a manager to help but he couldn’t open the door and the lady was distraught and said she lives 5min away and have a set of spare keys there, Bjorn said he could drive her and the manager gave him permission and the lady and Bjorn hit it off right away and was instant friends and she thought it was so rare to see a nice young man like him etc…..So I guess I gotta remember that story more than this other woman! SIGH!!

Sonja and Anja and I made this little Lego Amelia Earhart plane- shh don’t tell the Feds or they’ll think we’ll do something with planes! ha ha just kidding.

and I did some fancy nail polish on Sonja’s nails the other day too

and then I’ve been in a scrap quilt mood, this is maybe for a pattern- if it turns out Ok!

This is for a pineapple quilt, the pineapple die from Accuquilt is great for small scraps!!

Here I already sewed a bit together, Turquoise, Dark Blue (there’s both regular blue and dark) and then Grey but I also have any GREY in there, light or dark, so that’s going to be interesting, we’ll see it all plays out, I might use it for the guy blog hop in 2 weeks.

Next to Food Lion in our town is a small craft store I’ve mentioned before and I walked in the other day and just HAD to have this fabric, I’ve never seen a NC fabric like this before unless it’s a college fabric! No clue what I’ll make though.

and I dropped off these quilts at our local hospice

enough rambling here’s my 2021 project list,

if I worked on the quilt recently it’s in RED

2021 Quilt list

#1(Aug2020) Brown with applique quilt- DONE!

#2 (Sept2020) Heart 10″ squares quilt- DONE!

#3 (Oct2020) Sampler JUMBLED QAL!- DONE! pattern in my shop

#4 (Nov2020) Scrappy pineapple Hawaii quilt- DONE! donated

#5 (Dec2020)Black and White Midnight Stars table runner- DONE!

#6 (Dec2020) Red White and blue Patriotic star table runner- DONE! SOLD on Etsy!!

#7 (Dec2020) Go Green table runner- DONE!

#8 (Dec2020) Rolling Boulders table runner- DONE!

#9 (Dec2020) French braid quilt new pattern- DONE! pattern in my shop

#10 (Dec2020) Meringues quilt new pattern-DONE! pattern in my shop

Meringues quilt

#11 (Dec2020) Pink Flamingo Bird quilt for AQ- DONE

#12 (Dec 2020) Cat quilt floral- DONE! donated    

#13 (Jan) Gnome EPP project- #3 done

#14 (Jan) Never ending story- DONE! pattern in my shop

#15 (Jan) Full Moon quilt and pattern- DONE! pattern in my shop

#16 (Jan) Book blended quilt- DONE!

#17 (Jan) Striped pink and teal quilt- DONE!

#18 (Jan) String batik blog hop quilt- DONE!

#19 (Feb) Red and white log cabin quilt- DONE! pattern in my shop

#20 (Feb) Solids grey and muted quilt Spinners- DONE! Morning Dew Pattern available in my shop

#21 (Feb) Mini Ohio Star quilt blocks- DONE!

#22 (Feb) Orange Fan trick FQ quilt- DONE!

#23 (Feb) Easter 25 patch layer cake quilt- DONE! pattern available FREE if you sign up for my newsletter!

#24 (Feb) Apple Pie quilt for pattern- DONE! pattern available in my shop

#25 (Feb) Tan/blue scrap quilt- DONE! pattern available in my shop

#26 (Feb) Red, Teal and orange quilt for Accuquilt- DONE!

#27 (Feb) Blizzard quilt- DONE! pattern available in my shop

blizzard quilt

#28 (Feb)Snail trail table topper- DONE!

#29 (March) Sweet dreams quilt- DONE, pattern in my shop

#30 (March) Sweet dreams big boy version- DONE pattern in my shop

#31 (March) Pastel and white quilt for Accuquilt- DONE

#32 (March) Black, White and Red quilt for AQ- DONE!

#33 (March) Princess quilt- DONE! pattern in my shop

#34 (March) Wild World Quilt-DONE! pattern in my shop

#35 (April) “Popsicle” quilt- top done, pattern in my shop

#36 (April) Red Tumblers- DONE!

#37 (April) train mini block modified quilt- DONE!

#38 (April) Spring Table runner for love-sew- done

#39 (April) Grey table runner for love-sew- done

#40 (April) Flannel topper for Mccall’s – DONE and mailed

#41 (April) Little piggy scrap quilt- DONE! pattern in my shop

#42 (April) Purple and grey Ohio Star Quilt- DONE!

#43 (April) Whirly Gig FUNKY version- DONE! pattern in my shop

#44 (April) Baby quilt for love-sew- DONE!

#45 (April) Camellia quilt- DONE! pattern in my shop

#46 (May) pink and green table runner- DONE!

#47 (May) Fall Quilt for AQ- DONE!

#48 (May) Red and white “house” for AQ- DONE!

#49 (May) Primary colored stars for AQ- DONE!

#50 (May) Red Pink Star quilt for AQ- DONE!?

#51 (May) Batik Signature Layer Cake quilt- DONE! pattern coming soon!

#52 (May) Peach and Grey Sweet dreams quilt- DONE!

#53 (May) Red, green and beige Beach Bum quilt- DONE! pattern in my shop

#54 (May) Sunbonnet quilt for AQ- DONE!

#55 (May) Anna First Step quilt- DONE! pattern in my shop

#56 (June) Windows quilt for love-sew-DONE!

#57 (June) Spinner quilt for love-sew- DONE

#58 (June) Houses quilt for love-sew- DONE!

#59 (June) Leaf quilt for love-sew- DONE!

#60 (June) Spiderweb quilt- top done ready to quilt

#61 (June) Underwater stars green mini quilt- top done, working on borders

#62 (June) Mini Cat Stars- DONE pattern coming soon

#63 (June) Blue baby quilt-DONE!

#64 (June) Mini Pink star quilt, same as mini cat stars quilt just mini- DONE!

#65 (June) Water from the well- top done, pattern coming soon

#66 (June) MM Animals- top done, pattern already in my shop

#67 (June) Hattie’s choice table runner- DONE!

#68 (July) Star of Bethlehem quilt- top done, ready to quilt

#69 (July) Crown of Thorns scrap quilt- working on blocks

#70 (July) Blue and Turquoise pineapple quilt- working on blocks

I’m always looking for pattern testers, so if you want to get added to my list email me or comment!

Kronk says not to stress and just STRETCH!!

1 thought on “2021 project list week 29”

  1. I enjoyed the stories, Bea. My sister works in a grocery store, still me similar stories about working with the general public. Some are so nice and others? Not so much! I also worked with the public, it can be wearing, to say the least. Your scrappy project is nice, sort of like a regular square in a square but the corners are different. Will be anxious to see how it comes out! m

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