2021 Project list week 20

Another weekly post for a Kool-aid drinking Patriot!! LOL

I just chuckle when people who disagree with me have to comment and call me names! It’s what makes this country great, that we have the freedom of speech! (for now at least)

Bjorn came back from Wingate on Saturday, I expected him mid afternoon or even evening time as he had two finals online on Saturday, but he instead stayed up until midnight and knocked them out – a 5hr math test and Spanish I think, then he packed up everything in his car and drove home- and he wasn’t tired until he got here and hung out a bit and actually slowed down, then he took a nap!

at night we went to a RODEO! we’ve never been and it was about 30min from us and it was SO nice, very festive and entertaining and no MASKS for fellow Kool-aid drinking patriots with Trump hats and American flag shirts and cowboy hats! we saw lassoing, corralling cattle, barrel racing, mutton busting (that’s little kids riding on a sheep like a bull ride- it was really cute) and the finale was bull riding and some did hang on for the required time to qualify. It was just a great time and it made us have faith in this country and in people again!

Well now the CDC and our governor said no more masks indoors (if you’re fully vaccinated), I’m a tad skeptical about that, of course I’ll not wear a mask, but what if they ask me if I’m vaccinated, can they legally ask me? what about HIPPA? how about a vaccine passport, we see it coming…… right?? Not good….. We’ll see though.

Over a year ago, before Covid, we had bought a small fixer upper- a total dump of a house but the price was right and the location was great, so hubby has been working on it ever since, once Covid hit, he got internet out to that house and worked from “home” while also working on the house, last fall the house got robbed on thanksgiving weekend, TV, laptop plus a ton of tools were stolen! it was terrible! Now last weekend the house got vandalized!! Bricks thrown thru doors and windows, gouging out brand new wood flooring and of course the windows were new too and my husband had JUST finished sanding and painting the exterior doors a few days before! So it was a real bummer. and FYI you only get flood/weather insurance on an empty house it doesn’t cover theft or vandalism, so each time it’s cost us thousands of $$….this time we do think it’s some neighborhood kids, but who knows, we’ll see if the cops find anything.

A real big BUMMER!!

Bjorn has finally finished the Lego colusseum too- so he can put his computer back on his desk 😉

Swiffer has been hanging out on my shelves again

and this little girl/guy has been visiting us, it actually went into our garage the other day, the sound made us curious about what kind of bird it was, it’s so BIG, I was thinking partridge at first but we found out it’s a bobwhite quail, youtube it and listen to it, it’s a neat sound.

Also this week Sonja started horse riding lessons, a neighbor/her former classmate started it and Sonja tagged along and seemed interested so I signed her up and it’s a 3min bike ride from us, no big deal at all.

The Pony’s name is Pixie.

Okay, so maybe I’ll rant a little bit about Covid again, why is the school system pushing the covid jab on kids now? (16yo and up)

I know they email information about the flu shot but this is too much for an experimental gene altering whatever you want to call it. I’m not letting my kids get bullied into taking it- I know the teens talk about it at school! No way, I don’t consent at all.

If I worked on the quilt recently it’s in RED

2021 Quilt list

#1(Aug2020) Brown with applique quilt- DONE!

#2 (Sept2020) Heart 10″ squares quilt- DONE!

#3 (Oct2020) Sampler JUMBLED QAL!- DONE! pattern in my shop

#4 (Nov2020) Scrappy pineapple Hawaii quilt- DONE! donated

#5 (Dec2020)Black and White Midnight Stars table runner- DONE!

#6 (Dec2020) Red White and blue Patriotic star table runner- DONE!

#7 (Dec2020) Go Green table runner- DONE!

#8 (Dec2020) Rolling Boulders table runner- DONE!

#9 (Dec2020) French braid quilt new pattern- DONE! pattern in my shop

#10 (Dec2020) Meringues quilt new pattern-DONE! pattern in my shop

Meringues quilt

#11 (Dec2020) Pink Flamingo Bird quilt for AQ- DONE

#12 (Dec 2020) Cat quilt floral- DONE! donated    

#13 (Jan) Gnome EPP project- one big block done, working on #3

#14 (Jan) Never ending story- DONE! pattern in my shop

#15 (Jan) Full Moon quilt and pattern- DONE! pattern in my shop

#16 (Jan) Book blended quilt- DONE!

#17 (Jan) Striped pink and teal quilt- DONE!

#18 (Jan) String batik blog hop quilt- DONE!

#19 (Feb) Red and white log cabin quilt- DONE! pattern in my shop

#20 (Feb) Solids grey and muted quilt Spinners- DONE! Morning Dew Pattern available in my shop

#21 (Feb) Mini Ohio Star quilt blocks- DONE!

#22 (Feb) Orange Fan trick FQ quilt- DONE!

#23 (Feb) Easter 25 patch layer cake quilt- DONE! pattern available FREE if you sign up for my newsletter!

#24 (Feb) Apple Pie quilt for pattern- DONE! pattern available in my shop

#25 (Feb) Tan/blue scrap quilt- DONE! pattern available in my shop

#26 (Feb) Red, Teal and orange quilt for Accuquilt- DONE! and mailed

#27 (Feb) Blizzard quilt- DONE! pattern available in my shop

blizzard quilt

#28 (Feb)Snail trail table topper- DONE!

#29 (March) Sweet dreams quilt- DONE, pattern in my shop

#30 (March) Sweet dreams big boy version- DONE pattern in my shop

#31 (March) Pastel and white quilt for Accuquilt- DONE

#32 (March) Black, White and Red quilt for AQ- DONE!

#33 (March) Princess quilt- DONE! pattern in my shop

#34 (March) Wild World Quilt-DONE! pattern in my shop

#35 (April) “Popsicle” quilt- top done, pattern coming soon

#36 (April) Red Tumblers- top done

#37 (April) train mini block modified quilt- quilted needs binding

#38 (April) Spring Table runner for love-sew- done

#39 (April) Grey table runner for love-sew- done

#40 (April) Flannel topper for Mccall’s – DONE and mailed

#41 (April) Little piggy scrap quilt- top done

#42 (April) Purple and grey Ohio Star Quilt- top done

#43 (April) Whirly Gig FUNKY version- DONE!

#44 (April) Baby quilt for love-sew- DONE!

#45 (April) Camellia quilt- DONE!

#46 (May) pink and green table runner- top done

#47 (May) Fall Quilt for AQ- quilted needs binding

#48 (May) Red and white “house” for AQ- top done

#49 (May) Primary colored stars for AQ- working on blocks

#50 (May) Red Pink Star quilt for AQ-fabrics here

#51 (May) Batik Signature Layer Cake quilt- top done

I’m always looking for pattern testers, so if you want to get added to my list email me or comment!

I’ve left FB and Twitter and I’m in MeWe now, also have a Beaquilter “group” there you can follow

2 thoughts on “2021 Project list week 20”

  1. I’m truly sorry you are getting attacked and being called names for sharing your opinion. It should work both ways for accepting two sides of every story, every opinion, all with good listening skills that show respect for the difference in opinions. Sorry your rental has also been vandalized (twice). Never fun. Hopefully you can get it rented soon and the occupants will deter any robberies/break ins that can so easily happen in a vacant home. Bjorn’s Lego colusseum is amazing. I love it!

  2. Harriet wetherell

    Thank you for being the parent with common sense. I am a retired RN and mother of four grown ups. They can make up their own minds about the vaccine. Anyone under eighteen should not take an experimental drug. Just because the schools want it is not a reason to expose your children. You have a platform to express your opinions and will receive many opinions back, that is American freedom. Enjoy your beautiful family and I for one like your family posts along with the quilting.

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