2021 Project list week 18

After our lunch with my in-laws last weekend, we went to World Market, JoAnn’s and Pet’s mart, as they were all in the same shopping center and we rarely go out and browse, when we walked into JoAnn’s -Beanie Boos were on SALE!! SQUEAL!! Sonja and Anja love them, Sonja picked 2 and Anja picked one, I had first said just ONE for each, but Sonja had a complete meltdown over it, she loved them BOTH!! so I’m making her work for it 😉 Here’s just a few of theirs.

I’m sorry about my Covid rant last week, when then someone comments that they know someone who died from it, a death is always sad! But it’s part of life, the world can’t shut down for that, people die from the flu every year and now there’s more deaths because of neglect of healthcare, suicide, abuse etc… it all sucks!!  I’m tired of it all and now so many deaths from the “vaccine”, 10.000 so far from covid vaccines in the US and Europe (3000-which is more than die in 9/11 in the US and 7000 in Europe) and it’s an experimental vaccine that hasn’t had time to go thru the trials which normal vaccines have to go thru, that’s SUPER scary to me! Look at Vaers website or google it, it’s frightening. I am not on FB anymore because of censorship but I would have gotten banned already, I’m sure because I’d want these messages to be out there for people to see! My heart just breaks for my kids who are in the middle of this, my younger two are too young to get it, my oldest 2 are not, it sucks for them, they hate wearing a mask, not having much of a social life, what are job and school prospects? and my kids are smart and diligent in school, I hear of so many kids dropping out or failing, giving up on school, enough is enough already, now the schools near us are opening up summer school, they wrap t up like it’s a nice opportunity for the students. NO! it’s because the system has failed these kids and they can’t fail the kids too much or the parents will blame the schools, the schools will blame the parents or the kids, if they push them thru to the next grade, they are already a grade behind, how long will it take the students to catch up or will they just “dumb” it down even more? will colleges just accept the students how they are, not college ready, take the parents money and GOOD LUCK with them? will they then fail miserably? or will the colleges also push them thru and give a diploma and now send them off to work and the kid is not prepared at all. What will the employer have to do? they are already struggling to stay open- if it’s a somewhat small company or privately owned! It’s a vicious cycle that needs to be broken! a stimulus check once in a while doesn’t help in the long run!

Please don’t hate me for this, you can comment or not, or unsubscribe to my emails, it’s my blog and I still have the freedom of speech! I’m just frustrated and tired of it all.


If I worked on the quilt recently it’s in RED

2021 Quilt list

#1(Aug2020) Brown with applique quilt- DONE!

#2 (Sept2020) Heart 10″ squares quilt- DONE!

#3 (Oct2020) Sampler JUMBLED QAL!- DONE!

#4 (Nov2020) Scrappy pineapple Hawaii quilt- DONE! donated

#5 (Dec2020)Black and White Midnight Stars table runner- DONE!

#6 (Dec2020) Red White and blue Patriotic star table runner- DONE!

#7 (Dec2020) Go Green table runner- DONE!

#8 (Dec2020) Rolling Boulders table runner- DONE!

#9 (Dec2020) French braid quilt new pattern- DONE!

#10 (Dec2020) Meringues quilt new pattern-DONE!

Meringues quilt

#11 (Dec2020) Pink Flamingo Bird quilt for AQ- DONE

#12 (Dec 2020) Cat quilt floral- DONE! donated

#13 (Jan) Gnome EPP project- one big block done, working on #3

#14 (Jan) Never ending story- DONE!

#15 (Jan) Full Moon quilt and pattern- DONE!

#16 (Jan) Book blended quilt- DONE!

#17 (Jan) Striped pink and teal quilt- DONE!

#18 (Jan) String batik blog hop quilt- DONE!

#19 (Feb) Red and white log cabin quilt- DONE! pattern in shop

#20 (Feb) Solids grey and muted quilt Spinners- DONE! Morning Dew Pattern

#21 (Feb) Mini Ohio Star quilt blocks- DONE!

#22 (Feb) Orange Fan trick FQ quilt- DONE!

#23 (Feb) Easter 25 patch layer cake quilt- DONE!

#24 (Feb) Apple Pie quilt for pattern- DONE!

#25 (Feb) Tan/blue scrap quilt- DONE! pattern coming soon

#26 (Feb) Red, Teal and orange quilt for Accuquilt- DONE! and mailed

#27 (Feb) Blizzard quilt- DONE!

blizzard quilt

#28 (Feb)Snail trail table topper- DONE!

#29 (March) Sweet dreams quilt- DONE

#30 (March) Sweet dreams big boy version- DONE

#31 (March) Pastel and white quilt for Accuquilt- DONE

#32 (March) Black, White and Red quilt for AQ- DONE!

#33 (March) Princess quilt- DONE!

#34 (March) Wild World Quilt-DONE!

#35 (April) “Popsicle” quilt- top done, pattern coming soon

#36 (April) Red Tumblers- top done, working on borders

#37 (April) train modified quilt- top done

#38 (April) Spring Table runner for love-sew- done

#39 (April) Grey table runner for love-sew- done

#40 (April) Flannel topper for Mccall’s – DONE and mailed

#41 (April) Little piggy scrap quilt- working on blocks

#42 (April) Purple and grey scrappy quilt- working on blocks

#43 (April) Whirly Gig FUNKY version- top done

#44 (April) Baby quilt for love-sew- DONE!


I’m always looking for pattern testers, so if you want to get added to my list email me or comment!

I’ve left FB and Twitter and I’m in MeWe now, also have a Beaquilter “group” there you can follow

4 thoughts on “2021 Project list week 18”

  1. Love your post and could not agree more. I live in Florida and thanks to our Governor, my grandchildren have
    been able to continue with in person classes.
    I agree no way would I take a vaccine because the government thanks I should. I can make my own decisions
    for my health care and why do I need a vaccine that no ones the long time effects.

    1. Are you talking email or some sort of blog reader? If by email, there’s an unsubscribe at the bottom of the email, if it’s a reader, you have to do it thru that app/program

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