2020QUBEQOVQAL block #3

Are you ready to bust out the 8″ QUBE set for the next several blocks?

The QUBE sets are designed around a 4×4 grid or even a 2×2 grid, but when you think outside the QUBE or box and think of a 3×3 or 6×6 grid, then there’s SEW many more options! (enough puns?)

The block this week is Wyoming!

Here’s some facts about the Equality state

Entered Union (rank): July 10, 1890 (44)

The U.S. acquired the land comprising Wyoming from France as part of the Louisiana Purchase in 1803. John Colter, a fur-trapper, is the first white man known to have entered the region. In 1807 he explored the Yellowstone area and brought back news of its geysers and hot springs.

When the Wyoming Territory was organized in 1869, Wyoming women became the first in the nation to obtain the right to vote. In 1925 Mrs. Nellie Tayloe Ross became the first woman governor in the United States.

Wyoming’s towering mountains and vast plains provide spectacular scenery, grazing lands for sheep and cattle, and rich mineral deposits.

Wyoming is the leading coal-producing state and a leader in the production of petroleum and natural gas. Wyoming has the world’s largest sodium carbonate (natrona) deposits and has the nation’s second largest uranium deposits.

A leading producer of sheep and wool, Wyoming is also a major producer of beef cattle and hogs. Principal crops include wheat, oats, sugar beets, corn, barley, and alfalfa.

The “Register of the Desert,” a huge granite boulder covering 27 acres with 5,000 early pioneer names carved on it

Wyoming’s license plates feature a man on a bucking bronco.

Yellowstone is the first official National Park (1872)

The city of Gillette has the largest High School in the state (Campbell County High School)

The JCPenney stores were started in Kemmerer.

Wyoming has the lowest population of all 50 United States.

The majority of Yellowstone Park lies within the boundaries of Wyoming.

I showed this chart last week, the bottom chart is the “method to my madness” so that’s why we’re not doing the blocks in alphabetical order or how they are in the quilt, we’re doing them based on the largest strip die (often shape #4 or #7) and we’ll cut all the pieces with that one fabric color and die combo and put the rest of the pieces aside for future blocks.

With dark red leftovers from last week cut out (8) of shape #7 paralellogram

With red cut (2) 3 3/4″ WOF strips and cut (32) shape #5 triangles, save (16) for this block put the rest aside.

With White cut (6) 3 3/4″ WOF strips and cut out (146) shape #5 triangles, save (28) for this block, put the rest aside.

With leftover white cut (5) of shape #6 square, save (1) for this block, put the rest aside

With white cut (2) 5 1/2″ WOF strips and cut (48) of shape #2 squares, save (4) for this block, put the rest aside

With rotary cutting it might be tricky with those paralellograms, out (8)dark red 2 1/2″ x 4 1/2″ squares and (8) 2 1/2″ white squares, place the squares in the corners on top of the dark red rectangles and sew diagonally down on the white and trim seam allowance.

With white cut (5) 3 3/8″ squares, save (1) for this block, put the rest aside.

With red cut (16) 2 7/8″ squares, cut diagonally to get (32) triangles, save (16) for this block, put the rest aside.

With red cut (73) 2 7/8″ squares, cut diagonally to get (146) triangles, save (28) for this block, put the rest aside.

With White cut (48) 2 1/2″ squares, save (4) for this block, put the rest aside.

I know it’s a lot of cutting, but you’ll be glad to have all those white triangles cut!

Now start sewing.

Add red small triangles to center #6 square (3 3/8″ white square)

Then add white triangles to sides of parallelogram (4 facing one way, 4 facing the opposite way)

and (12) HSTs with white and red.

Finish the diamond block and also the parallelogram block sections. Then add 4 white squares to 4 red and white HSTs like shown and sew the other HSTs together like shown too.

Now finish the corner block sections like this and the parallelogram blocks too

Then finish the block like a giant nine patch, because you’ll have 9 different sections to sew together.

and TADA! WY is done!

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