2020 QUBEQOVQAL block 20 Indiana and block 21 Vermont

This week’s first block is Indiana

It’s a nice block! maybe it’s because it’s just two colors….it’s still a 12″ block finished and from now on, we’ve already cut all the pieces so just grab these from the pile!

(1) of #1 in white –4 1/2″ square

(4) of #3 white triangles – 4 7/8″ triangle

(4) of #3 red triangles

(8) of #2  white squares — 2 1/2″

(8) of #2 dark red squares

sew together HSTs and four patches like this, EASY PEASY!

and then sew the block together like this with the white center block

Here’s some info about the Hoosier state

Indiana flag

Entered Union (rank): Dec. 11, 1816 (19)

Although Indiana means, “Land of the Indians” there are fewer than 8,000 Native Americans living in the state today.

The first long-distance auto race in the U.S. was held May 30, 1911, at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. The winner averaged 75 miles an hour and won a 1st place prize of $14,000. Today the average speed is over 167 miles an hour and the prize is more than $1.2 million. Indianapolis Motor Speedway is the site of the greatest spectacle in sports, the Indianapolis 500. The Indianapolis 500 is held every Memorial Day weekend in the Hoosier capital city. The race is 200 laps or 500 miles long.

Deep below the earth in Southern Indiana is a sea of limestone that is one of the richest deposits of top-quality limestone found anywhere on earth. New York City’s Empire State Building and Rockefeller Center as well as the Pentagon, the U.S. Treasury, a dozen other government buildings in Washington D.C. as well as 14 state capitols around the nation are built from this sturdy, beautiful Indiana limestone.

Most of the state’s rivers flow south and west, eventually emptying into the Mississippi. However, the Maumee flows north and east into Lake Erie. Lake Wawasee is the states largest natural lake.

At one time Studebaker Company of South Bend was the nation’s largest producer of horse-drawn wagons. It later developed into a multimillion-dollar automobilemanufacturer.

ChristmastownIf you are traveling through the state near the end of the year make sure to stop off at Santa Claus, Indiana. This holiday-appropriate city receives nearly a million letters and personal requests during the holiday season.

Raggedy Ann was also born in Indiana! In 1914, the doll was created by Marcella Gruelle

Milk PoliceSome states outlaw and restrict alcohol, but Indiana places all the negative emphasis on milk. If you see a gallon sitting in the cooler at the liquor store it could be a police sting, since it is illegal to purchase milk from a liquor store in this state.

Hairy LoveWe know you love to kiss everyone you walk by. The urge is just uncontrollable. We understand. Unfortunately, the Indiana police department may not understand if your face happens to have hair. It is illegal for habitual kissers to keep a mustache. Make sure to shave before you pucker up in this state.

EwwwWhat’s that smell? If you think there’s something fishy in Indiana, you must be visiting between the months of October and March. It is technically illegal to take a bath during these months.

the next block is Vermont! and OF COURSE it’s a maple leaf block!!

super easy

You’ll grab #1 large squares –4 1/2″, 2 white, 1 light blue and 2 dark blue

then #3 triangles, grab 4 red and 4 white– 4 7/8″

sew the HSTs together

Then sew the block like this, can’t get much easier than that!

Here’s some facts about the Green Mountain state

Vermont flag

Entered Union (rank): March 4, 1791 (14)

With a population of fewer than nine thousand people, Montpelier, Vermont is the smallest state capital in the U.S.

Montpelier, Vermont is the only U.S. state capital without a McDonalds. (Yay! good for them)

In ratio of cows to people, Vermont has the greatest number of dairy cows in the country.

Montpelier, Is the largest producer of maple syrup in the U.S.

Vermont’s largest employer isn’t Ben and Jerry’s, it’s IBM.

Until recently, the only way a Vermonter could get a drivers license with their photo on it was to drive to Montpelier.

Vermont was, at various times, claimed by both New Hampshire and New York.

Until 1996, Vermont was the only state without a Wal-Mart.

Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream company gives their ice cream waste to the local Vermont farmers who use it to feed their hogs. The hogs seem to like all of the flavors except Mint Oreo.

Vermont does not sell alcohol to out of state licenses, you must have a liquor ID in order to purchase alcohol at liquor stores and grocery stores. This doesn’t apply to bars, but can affect those traveling through the state.

Vermont leads the nation in the production of monument granite, marble, and maple products. It is also a leader in the production of talc. Vermont’s rugged, rocky terrain discourages extensive agricultural farming, but is well suited to raising fruit trees and to dairy farming.

Principal industrial products include electrical equipment, fabricated metal products, printing and publishing, and paper and allied products.

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