2020 QUBE QOV QAL block 45 S. Carolina 46 California and 47 Delaware

We’re getting near the end of the QAL! again this week there will be 3 blocks to make

The first one is South Carolina

It reminds me of the quilt I made for Accuquilt with the Chimney Sweep die, I also used this block with red and purple as alternate blocks.

with die #6 and dark blue cut (1) on point square (2 5/8″)

grab (4) red #6 on point squares already cut

also grab (4) white #4 triangles already cut (4 1/4″ squares cut diagonally twice)

and then grab (4) white #5 triangles already cut (2 3/8″ triangles)

sew the block together diagonally like this

and here it is finished!

here’s some info about the Palmetto state

Entered Union (rank): May 23, 1788 (8)

The walls of the American fort on Sullivan Island, in Charleston Harbor, were made of spongy Palmetto logs. This was helpful in protecting the fort because the British cannonballs bounced off the logs.

The City of Myrtle Beach is in the center of the Grand Strand, a 60-mile crescent of beach on the South Carolina coast. In the last 25 years, Myrtle Beach has developed into the premier resort destination on the East Coast.

The first battle of the Civil War took place at Fort Sumter.

South Carolina is the nation’s leading peach producer and shipper east of the Mississippi River.

Before being known as the Palmetto State, South Carolina was known as, and had emblazoned on their license plates, the Iodine State.

Duncan Park Baseball Stadium in Spartanburg is the oldest minor league stadium in the nation.

Every few years, Irmo has a sighting of some kind of water monster that inhabits Lake Murray. The monster first ‘surfaced’ in 1973 when residents of Irmo and Ballentine saw a cousin of the Loch Ness Monster. It was described in The Independent News in 1980 as “a cross between a snake and something prehistoric.”

There is an old saying in Marion that anyone who drinks water from Catfish Creek becomes infatuated with the area and wishes to remain there.

In February 1852 William Burkhalter Dorn discovered the second richest vein of gold in SC history on the site of the present town of McCormick.

The introduction of tobacco in 1894 rocketed Mullins into the Tobacco Capital of South Carolina. As many as 200 tobacco barns sprang up throughout the community. Warehouses were also constructed and the first tobacco sale took place on August 28, 1895.

The first tea farm in the U.S., created in 1890 near Summerville

The next block is California

(and yeah it’s the same block as above just different fabric placement) it’s kind of hard converting intricate blocks to be QUBE friendly)

All the pieces are already cut

#6 (1) in red, (4) in white

#4 dark red (4)

#5 light blue (4)

Here’s the finished block

Here’s some facts about California

California flag

In 1850 the state officially became a part of the United States and today there are more celebrities roaming about than grizzlies in most areas

California produces more than 17 million gallons of wine each year.

In 1925 a giant sequoia located in California’s Kings Canyon National Park was named the nation’s national Christmas tree. The tree is over 300 feet in height.

Sequoia National Park contains the largest living tree. Its trunk is 102 feet in circumference.

In Pacific Grove there is a law on the books establishing a $500 fine for molesting butterflies.

Death Valley is recognized as the hottest, driest place in the United States. It isn’t uncommon for the summer temperatures to reach more than 115 degrees.

San Francisco Bay is considered the world’s largest landlocked harbor.

One out of every eight United States residents lives in California.

There are more than 300,000 tons of grapes grown in California annually.

California produces more than 17 million gallons of wine each year.

Los Angeles and San Diego are the most crowded cities in the country.

Perpetual Painting
You know important it is to give your home a fresh coat of paint from time to time, but the Golden Gate Bridge gets a yearly paint job. Painters touch up one side of the bridge and then it’s time to paint the other side again. Now, that has to be the most stable job in these times of recession!

Spooky Speeding
If your RV is being operated by an imaginary friend make sure they stay below 60 mph.
State law forces a special speed limit on vehicles cruising the roads without a driver.
You wouldn’t want your imaginary friend to get a speeding ticket!

Shoo! Sheep!
Are you planning to visit Hollywood Boulevard? You can site some celebrities and find great designer shoes, but rest assured you won’t be greeted with many sheep. It is of course against the law to herd any more than 2,000 sheep down the boulevard.

Let the Kids be Kids
Interesting facts about California: California is a very puddle-friendly state.
When the rain starts to pour it’s time to park the RV and let the little ones run, jump and splash themselves silly.
There is a community-approved ordinance that forbids anyone from telling children to stop jumping in puddles.

What’s Up with the Whales?
If you find whales beautiful and inspiring, feel free to shoot at them as you drive by the ocean. It turns out there is a law protecting all animals from being shot at by someone in a moving vehicle, but whales are oddly exempt.

Mouse Mission
You’ve hunted all the big game from deer to grizzly bear, but have you ever taken on the mighty mouse? In California, you need a hunting license to set a mouse trap so you could say the mouse is a protected animal in this region of the country. Now that’s something to think about when your road trip planning.

And the last block this week is Delaware

again these are all already cut so just grab

(2) dark red #6 on point squares (2 5/8″)

(8) dark blue #5 triangles (2 3/8″ triangles)

(4) dark red AND (4) white #2 squares (2″ squares)

Sew four patches together and add triangles to the on point squares

and sew the block together like this with the dark red going diagonally (if you flip them that’s ok too)

Here’s some facts about Delaware

Delaware flag

Admission to Statehood:

December 7, 1787 (1st State)

Here is one of the more intriguing interesting facts about Delaware: while it is the second smallest state in the country, it was the very first state to join the country. It all started off with what most people would consider a rather non-influential state today.

Delaware is the only state without any National Park System units such as national parks, seashores, historic sites, battlefields, memorials, and monuments.

The log cabin originated in Finland. Finnish settlers arrived in Delaware in the mid-1600s and brought with them plans for the log cabin, one of the enduring symbols of the American pioneer. One of the cabins has been preserved and is on display at the Delaware Agricultural Museum in Dover.(another site said they were Swedish)

Tradition holds the first time Betsy Ross’s famous flag was flown was at the Battle of Cooch’s Bridge. This historic site is located on route 4 in Newark.

The Lady Bug is Delaware’s official state bug.

Delaware was named for Lord de la Warr. He was the first governor of Virginia.

and fun facts

What could five bucks buy you in 1880? How about the 87 foot lighthouse presented at Fenwick Island. This entire lighthouse was thrown up for just five bucks, which is downright amazing considering you can’t even get two gallons of gas for that price today.

While you’re riding through Delaware it is always a good time to stock up on groceries, school supplies, clothing, and anything else that you will be purchasing when you get back home. Why? They join Alaska, New Hampshire, Oregon and Montana in not charging sales tax.

Double Dog Dare You
I dare you to marry the next man who walks into the room! You might yell this out while at the bar and feeling very good, but in Delaware it would be against the law. You are illegally permitted from marrying someone on a dare in this state


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