2020 QUBE QOV QAL block 34 Ohio and 35 Nebraska

Our first block this week is #34 Ohio


It’s an easy block and still made with the 6″ QUBE

If rotary cutting see cutting in ( )

With die #3 and light blue cut (4) large triangles (3 7/8″ squares cut diagonally)

With #2 and dark red cut (8) squares but save (4) for this block (2″ squares)

grab (8) white #5 triangles already cut (2 3/8″ squares cut diagonally)

Sew the white triangles to sides of dark red squares like this

then add large light blue triangles, always press seams OPEN!

Then sew the block together like this

Here’s some info about Ohio

Ohio flag

Entered Union (rank): March 1, 1803 (17)

The first ambulance service was established in Cincinnati in 1865.

Cleveland boasts America’s first traffic light. It began on Aug. 5, 1914

James J. Ritty, of Dayton, invented the cash register in 1879 to stop his patrons from pilfering house profits.

Akron was the first city to use police cars.

Akron is the rubber capital of the world.

Cleveland is home to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Ohio is the leading producer of greenhouse and nursery plants.

The popular television sit-com, “The Drew Cary Show” is set in Cleveland.

The first full time automobile service station was opened in 1899 in Ohio.

In 1852 Ohio was the first state to enact laws protecting working women.

Ohio gave America its first hot dog in 1900. Harry M. Stevens created the popular dining dog.

50% of the United States population lives within a 500 mile radius of Columbus.

Dresden is the home of the world’s largest basket. It is located at Basket Village USA.

Fostoria is the only city to be situated in three counties (Seneca, Hancock & Wood).

John Lambert of Ohio City made America’s first automobile in 1891.

Charles Goodyear of Akron developed the process of vulcanizing rubber in 1839.

W.F. Semple of Mount Vernon patented chewing gum in 1869.

instead of fun facts I found this:

You know you are from Ohio when:

You don’t think of Florida first when someone mentions Miami.

You’ve heard of 3.2% beer.

Schools close for the state basketball tournament. Deer season, too.

You’re proud of your state fair, but would rather go to Cedar Point.

You know all the 4 seasons: Winter, Still Winter, Almost Winter, and Construction.

You know what a buckeye really is, and have a recipe for candy ones.

“Toward the lake” means “north” and “toward the river” means “south.”

You know if other Ohioians are from southern or northern Ohio as soon as they open their mouths.

You measure distance in minutes.

.Down south to you means Kentucky.

Your school classes were canceled because of cold.

Your school classes were canceled because of heat.

You design your kid’s Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit.

Driving is better in the winter because the potholes are filled with snow.

You think that deer season is a national holiday.


The next block is Nebraska (The home of Accuquilt!)

With die #2 and dark blue cut (6) save 4 for this block (2″)

grab (4) red #5 triangles already cut (2 3/8″ triangles)

with die #6 and white cut (7) save 1 for this block (2 5/8″ square)

with die #8 and light blue cut (4) rectangles (2″ x 3 1/2″ rectangles)

I forgot to take a picture of adding the red triangles to the sides of the white #6 square but you get the idea I hope.

finish the block like this!

Here’s some info about the corn husker state

Nebraska flag

  • Admission to Statehood:

    March 1, 1867 (37th State)

    Nebraska was once called “The Great American Desert”.

  • In 1927, Edwin E. Perkins of Hastings invented the powered soft drink Kool-Aid.

    The state nickname used to be the “Tree Planter’s State”, but was changed in 1945 to the “Cornhusker State”.

    Spam (canned meat) is produced in Fremont.

    Nebraska has the U.S.’s largest aquifer (underground lake/water supply), the Ogalala aquifer.

    Nebraska has more miles of river than any other state.

    The Union Pacific’s Bailey Yards, in North Platte, is the largest rail classification complex in the world.

    Nebraska is the only state in the union with a unicameral (one house) legislature.

    The 911 system of emergency communications, now used nationwide, was developed and first used in Lincoln, Nebraska.

    Marlon Brando’s mother gave Henry Fonda acting lessons at the Omaha Community Playhouse.

    The Nebraska Cornhuskers have been to a record 27 consecutive bowl games and 27 consecutive winning seasons

    The University of Nebraska Cornhusker football team has produced more Academic All-Americans than any other Division I school.

    The largest porch swing in the world is located in Hebron, Nebraska and it can sit 25 adults.

    In Nebraska in 1986 for the first time ever two women ran against each other for governorship of a state.

    The cost of the Nebraska Capitol building was $ 9,800,440.07 in 1932. The construction job came in under budget and the building was paid for by the time it was completed.

    Sidney, Nebraska was the starting point of the Black Hills Gold Rush.

    The only roller skating museum in the world, is in Lincoln

    Omaha is home to the largest indoor rain forest in the world. It is called the Lied Jungle.

    and some silly facts/laws

    Watch what you feed your children before church in Nebraska. If your child burps during the service, you could be arrested.

    Waitresses have power in Nebraska! If you fail to tip a proper 10% or more, they can have you arrested.

    Your false teeth must not be crafted from leather. It’s against Nebraska law!

    Girls must be at least eight-years-old before you give them a bed for their dollhouse. This protects them from acting out inappropriate actions with their dolls.

    Your barber may do a lot of things, but in Omaha they are forbidden from shaving your chest hair.



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