2020 QUBE QOV QAL block 29 GA


This week I only want to show one block as I want the next two blocks to go together

This week’s block is Georgia!

It’s a pretty easy block and uses dies #2,4 and 5 from the 6″ QUBE set and all the white pieces are already cut

Grab 2 of #2 white squares already cut (2″ squares)

also grab 8 #5 triangles (2 3/8″ squares cut diagonally)

With dark red cut (8) with die #4 and save 4 for this block- I used scraps to cut from (4 1/4″ squares cut diagonally twice)

and with light blue cut 10 from die #2 save 6 for this block, again I used scraps or you’d cut a 4 1/2″ WOF strip

sew the center four patch together like this and 4 dark red flying geese

sew two flying geese to the top and bottom of the four patches and sew the remaining blue squares to the ends of the two leftover flying geese

then sew the block together like this

Here’s some facts about Georgia

State Flag of Georgia

On January 19, 1861, Georgia joined the Confederacy.

The official state fish is the largemouth bass.

In Gainesville, the Chicken Capital of the World it is illegal to eat chicken with a fork.

Georgia is the nations number one producer of the three Ps–peanuts, pecans, and peaches.

Known as the sweetest onion in the world, the Vidalia onion can only be grown in the fields around Vidalia and Glennville

Georgia is the largest state east of the Mississippi River.

Georgia’s population in 1776 was around 40,000.

Coca-Cola was invented in May 1886 by Dr. John S. Pemberton in Atlanta, Georgia. The name “Coca-Cola” was suggested by Dr. Pemberton’s bookkeeper, Frank Robinson. He penned the name Coca-Cola in the flowing script that is famous today. Coca-Cola was first sold at a soda fountain in Jacob’s Pharmacy in Atlanta by Willis Venable.

Bitey Bite!
“Good night, sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite!” You hear this phrase quite often today, but most people don’t know it actually started in Georgia. Colonials would bind their mattresses with Spanish Moss which brought tiny bed bugs into the mattresses. Bet you’ll think twice before using that saying in passing again!

Messy Dessert
You know how Georgians love their sweet things, but on Sunday you have to keep your ice cream cones out of your back pocket.
Carrying ice cream in that pocket is against the law…but only on Sunday!

Gossip Central
By their very nature, rumors are anything but the truth.
That may be your understanding of the gossip world, but someone in Georgia knows better.
They actually passed a law stating you cannot spread a rumor if it is false.

Chicken Chuckles
We know how you love to put that chicken sandwich in one hand and the TV remote in the other, but Gainesville, Georgia will have no more of that. In this city everyone is bound by law to eat chicken two-handed.

Only in Georgia…
Giraffes make great pets because they are large enough to hug you with great warmth when you’re sad and they can tower above the other cars when you need to bust through traffic. Unfortunately, you will be limited to parking spaces in Georgia since it is illegal to tie a giraffe to a telephone pole or street lamp.

“Oh, boy! Oh, boy! Are we almost to Georgia yet?”
This may be a completely innocent term in your family, but it must be stricken from your vocabulary when visiting Jonesboro, Georgia.
The term “oh, boy” is illegal in this city.

Keep it in Your Mouth!
Spitting is just part of a road trip, right? You get a funny taste in your mouth and there is no option but to roll down the window and let it fly. Unfortunately that is only legal in Georgia if you are driving in a truck. It is completely illegal in a car or bus. That probably rules out RV spitting as well.

3 thoughts on “2020 QUBE QOV QAL block 29 GA”

  1. I like this block. I am really curious to see why the next two need to be together.

    You said “the Vidalia onion can only be grown in the fields around Vidalia and Glennville” The fact is that you can only CALL it a Vidalia if it is grown there. due to a Federal Marketing Order. ( https://extension.uga.edu/publications/detail.html?number=B1198&title=Onion%20Production%20Guide )
    But actually you can grow it lots of places. The onion is a granex variety of yellow onion. Another “brand name” of these is the “Texas Sweet” onion.

    1. ahh that makes sense like champagne can only be made in champagne region of france otherwise it’s sparkling wine.

      1. assembly work! I work on several things at once then it seems like they go together quickly!

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