2020 QUBE QAL Block 36 Oklahoma and 37 Arkansas

The first block this week is Oklahoma it’s a bit “different” but still easy. and still all 6″ done.

With die #8and white cut (4) rectangles (2″ x 3 1/2″)

grab (4) light blue (8) red and (4) white #5 triangles already cut (2 3/8″ triangles)

sew the sets of HSTs together first

then sew the red and light blue HSTs into pinwheel blocks like this

Now sew the white rectangles to the sides and the white and red HSTs in the corners but they are sort of “spinning” which seems a bit odd.

and this is what the block looks like

Here’s some info about the sooner state.

Oklahoma flag

Entered Union (rank): Nov. 16, 1907 (46)

State Motto: Labor Omnia Vincit {Labor Conquers All Things}

Oklahoma is one of only two states whose capital cities name includes the state name. The other is Indianapolis, Indiana.

  • During a tornado in Ponca City, a man and his wife were carried aloft in their house by a tornado. The walls and roof were blown away. But the floor remained intact and eventually glided downward, setting the couple safely back on the ground.

There is an operating oil well on state capitol grounds called Capitol Site No. 1.

WKY Radio was the first radio station transmitting from west of the Mississippi River.

Originally the “Normal School,” University of Central Oklahoma was Oklahoma’s first public school of higher education. It began as a teachers college, and is now a premier institution of education in this region of the United States.

Oklahoma was the setting for the movie “Twister”.

Clinton Riggs designed the YIELD sign. It was first used on a trial basis in Tulsa.

and an online friend (Sharolyn) shared some more about OK!

**Some Fun Oklahoma History!**

1. Oklahoma produced more astronauts than any other state.
2. The first Girl Scout Cookie was sold in Muskogee in 1917.
3. The nation’s first parking meter was installed in Oklahoma City in 1935.
4. The shopping cart was invented in Ardmore in 1936.
5. During the ‘Land Rush’, Oklahoma City went from a vast, open prairie to a city of over 10,000 in a single day.
6. The Oklahoma State Capital is the only capital in the U.S. with working oil wells on its grounds.
7. Boise City, OK was the only city in the United States to be bombed during World War II. On Monday night, July 5,1943, at 12:30 am, a B-17 Bomber based at Dalhart Army Air Base, Texas,
dropped six practice bombs on the sleeping town, mistaking the city lights as target lights.
8. WKY Radio in Oklahoma City was the first radio station transmitting west of the Mississippi River.
9. The nation’s first ‘Tornado Warning’ was issued on March 25,1948 in Oklahoma City minutes before a devastating tornado. Because of the warning, no lives were lost.
10. Oklahoma has the largest Native American population of any state in the U.S. It also has 234 different Indian Tribes.
11. The name ‘Oklahoma’ comes from two Choctaw words… Okla. meaning ‘people’ and humma meaning ‘red’. So the name means, ‘Red People.’ The name was approved in 1890.
12. The bread twist tie was invented in Maysville, OK.
13. Oklahoma has more man-made lakes than any other state.
14. Cimarron County, located in the Oklahoma Panhandle, is the only county in the U.S. bordered by four separate states: TX, NM, CO & KS.
15. The nation’s first traffic ‘Yield’ sign was erected in Tulsa on a trial basis.
16. Pensacola Dam is the longest multi-arched dam in the world at 6,565 feet.
17. The ‘Port of Catoosa’ (just north of Tulsa) is the largest inland port in America.
18. The aerosol can was invented in Bartlesville.
19. Per square mile, Oklahoma has more tornadoes than any other place in the world.
20. The highest wind speed ever recorded on earth was in Moore, OK on May 3rd,1999 during the Oklahoma City F-5 tornado. Wind speed was clocked at 318 mph.
21. The Will Rogers World Airport and the Wiley Post Airport are both named after two famous Oklahomans– both killed in an airplane crash together.
22. Cushing, OK is the “Pipeline Crossroads of the World” and has the world’s largest storage of oil.
23. The song “Oklahoma” from the Broadway play of the same name is now the official state song.
24. Oklahoma is the only State to have its capital stolen and moved in the middle of the night from Guthrie to Oklahoma City.
25. Guthrie has an original Carnegie Library and the Largest Masonic Temple in the World!
26. Watonga, OK has more rattle snakes than people.

Why Travel To Other States? Oklahoma has other US cities too!
Cleveland, Oklahoma
Delaware, Oklahoma
Kansas, Oklahoma
Orlando, Oklahoma
Miami, Oklahoma
Pensacola, Oklahoma
Pittsburgh, Oklahoma
Santa Fe, Oklahoma
St. Louis, Oklahoma
Chattanooga, Oklahoma
Peoria, Oklahoma
Burbank, Oklahoma
Fargo, Oklahoma

Don’t Forget The Wildlife!
Wolfe, Oklahoma
Eagle, Oklahoma
Buffalo, Oklahoma
Fox, Oklahoma
Bison, Oklahoma
Deer Creek, Oklahoma
Elk City, Oklahoma

We Have A Town Named After A Number: Forty-One, OK
And A Town Whose Letters Don’t Spell Anything: IXL, OK

We Even Have A City Named After Earth’s Only Satellite: Moon, OK
And A City Named After Our State: Oklahoma City, OK

Even Presidential Cities!
Adams, Oklahoma
Carter, Oklahoma
Clinton, Oklahoma
Fillmore, Oklahoma
Grant, Oklahoma
Jefferson, Oklahoma
Johnson, Oklahoma
Lincoln, Oklahoma
Reagan, Oklahoma
Roosevelt, Oklahoma
Taft, Oklahoma
Taylor, Oklahoma
Washington, Oklahoma
Wilson, Oklahoma

Other City Names In Oklahoma To Make You Smile:
Bowlegs, Oklahoma
Bugtussle, Oklahoma
Bushyhead, Oklahoma
Frogville, Oklahoma
Gotebo, Oklahoma
Hooker, Oklahoma
Loco, Oklahoma
Slapout, Oklahoma
Slaughterville, Oklahoma
Gay, Oklahoma
Straight, Oklahoma

And in case you’ve never been there, you could go to: Nowhere, Oklahoma

The next state is Arkansas!

Another kind of simple block and this one does use a die from the “Corners” QUBE set.

With die #2 and red cut (4) squares (2″)

also grab (4) light blue #2 squares already cut

also grab (4) dark red #5 triangles already cut (2 3/8″ triangles)

then with die #10 and white cut out (2) signature blocks (for rotary cutting you can either construct the block with HSTs and squares or add 2″ squares in the corners of 3 1/2″ white squares and sew diagonally and trim away the seam allowance)

Sew four patches together and also signature blocks as shown

then sew the block together like this!

Here’s some facts about Arkansas!

Arkansas flag

Arkansas became the 25th state on June 15, 1836.

Capitol City: Little Rock

Elevations in the state range from 54 feet above sea level in the far southeast corner to 2,753 feet above at Mount Magazine, the state’s highest point.

Arkansas contains over 600,000 acres of lakes and 9,700 miles of streams and rivers.

The mockingbird is the official state bird. It was designated in 1929.

The apple blossom is the official state flower. It was designated in 1901.

The diamond is the official state gem. It was designated in 1967.

It has the only active diamond mine in the U.S.

Proper Pronunciation Please
Everyone who visits the state or just drives through it must know this very simple fact: you pronounce the state name “Arkansaw”.
If you spell it wrong you are actually committing a crime, so start practicing right now.

Home of Wal-Mart
One thing of the big city that you will find in Arkansas is Wal-Mart.
Sam Walton brought this mega store into the world right in the heart of Arkansas.
Yes, you can thank good old Sam for bringing you all of those mark downs clearance specials, not to mention, a free camping space for the night.

Farming Gems
John M. Huddleston was a poor Arizona farmer many moons ago.
He struggled to survive in the rough land of AZ for many years, but you shouldn’t feel too sorry for him.
Just before he closed his struggling farm he discovered a diamond mine on his property.
It was the only diamond mine on this continent. How’s that for a rags-to-riches story?

Love Thy Neighbor
Here’s another little story to warm your heart. It’s about the Chickasaw and Quapaw Indians during the battle of Chickasaw. In the heat of the battle the Chickasaw Indians ran out of ammunition so the very generous Quapaw Indians split what ammunition they had left with their opponents. They then proceeded to fight to the death.

Fryer Heaven
Go to Arkansas in May and you can enjoy the unique creation of Bernell “Fatman” Austin: fried dill pickles.
Large pickles are sliced then breaded and fried in the version you find today at the Atkins Picklefest, but the treat started out as breaded hamburger slices. Every state has to be known for something, right?

Fun facts

Blue Light Patrol
Fish tanks look great with the fun glow of blue light bulbs, but the fish will have to survive with white light in Arkansas.
Blue light bulbs are illegal in this state.

Dang Those Unions!
Take down the mistletoe and hang this sign before every doorway at the Arkansas State University: No Hand Holding Permitted. At this university, only union members are permitted to hold hands while standing in a doorway.

Gator Bather
You love your pet alligator, but in the state of Arkansas you’ll have to find a good swamp for him to bathe in. This state just won’t allow alligators to live in your bathtub. Darn!

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