2019 QAL block 5


It’s time for block #5 a “bowtie” block

well it uses the bowtie dies #11.1 and 12.1

and just like last week, we’re using RED and making 6 blocks!

I tried to use a nondirectional fabric for this block, so with the 6” version I used a teal and cut out 24 of 11.1 and then in white I cut out 24 of 12.1


For the 8” version I used a blue star print, I DID try to have the stars face the same way in the block, but it’s hard to tell so not a big deal

I used the yellow yardage for 12.1


Here’s my 9” version, the 11.1 die only has 2 shapes on the die, so it was more cuts to get the 24.


and the 10” version had 8 of 12.1 triangles on the die!

I cut out the 11.1 in yellow and green, so 12 of each!


and with the 12” dies the 12.1 also had 8 shapes again


here’s the 5 little piles


Now sew the tiny triangles to the 11.1 shapes and iron the seams open


Here’s all my sets, this is where I started lining up the blue star print to have them all face the same way


Now sew 2 of these together


and sew these together into blocks, still ironing seams open!


Here’s my 5 sets


Now sew these together with block #4 from last week, having the four patch to the right


and sew them into rows!

2019 QAL block5 row

and sew these to the bottom of the existing rows

2019 QAL block5 rowIMG_20181008_124733778

Here’s a close up of the 6” version

2019 QAL block5 row

and the 8” version

2019 QAL block5 row

and the 9” version

2019 QAL block5 row

The 10” version (notice how the yellow touch on the bottom, oh well, but it looks fine from afar)

2019 QAL block5 row

and here’s the 12” rainbow version

2019 QAL block5 row

Have fun!

Here’s blocks from participants last week (sorry if I missed any)

1 thought on “2019 QAL block 5”

  1. Is there a way to make this block with other dies? I don’t have the companion set yet

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