2019 QAL BLOCK 2


Have you enjoyed the star block from last week?

Now it’s time for block #2 (My original block#1 but it doesn’t matter)

We’re still working in yellows if you are doing the rainbow colors and just like last week, there’s 3 of this block!

For this block you’ll use dies #5 and #9 (if you don’t have die #9 you can use die #2 and #5 together to get the chisel shape)

OR you can buy it here from Accuquilt –it’d the CORNERS companion set

(if you do I get a small commission as an affiliate)

In one yellow (A) cut out (4×3=12) of shape #9 pay attention to the direction of #9. (have the fabric RIGHT side up on the die)

With yellow (B) cut out (8×3=24) of #5 triangles

and with the background fabric, cut out (12×3=36) of #5 triangles

For the 6” QUBE set I cut (2) 2 1/2” WOF strips from a FQ and placed right side up on die#9  and cut out the chisel shapes in a pale yellow.


And with a blue fabric I cut 3” WOF strips from FQs and placed on die #5 and cut out the triangles


With the 8” QUBE set I used scraps of blue and cut out #9 chisels (I found a solid so the right side up of the fabric didn’t matter)

and from another blue I cut out 24 triangles

and the yellow yardage I cut (2) 3 3/4 WOF strips and cut out the 36 triangles


With the 9” QUBE set, the chisel fabric was directional so I cut a 3 1/4” WOF from a FQ, cut it in half, then laid 6 layers on the die and cut out and flipped over and cut 6 more for the 12 chisel shapes

Then I cut the rest of the triangles from 2 FQs as well


the 10” version I cut (2) 3 3/4” WOF strips from yellow and cut out the 12 chisel shapes, then I actually chose the RED and GREEN and cut 4” WOF strips, then cut out 12 of each of #5 and then did the same with the black print but cut (2) 4” WOF strips and cut out 36 triangles


With the 12” it’s all yellow scrappy and white on white scrappy


Here’s my piles in a bin all ready to go!


Now the first step is to sew the white background triangles together onto the chisel shapes, then with the remaining background triangles you sew those together with the other triangles

Here’s the 6” version


The 8” version


the 9” version, notice how I sorted the direction of the chisel fabrics, it was not 100% directional, but it had cats on it, so I tried to have the cats be right side up on most of them, so 3 going each way.

Then the HST sets, they were a bit directional, there was a red stripe in the plaid that just had to be turned the right way, so half go sideways, half go up and down.


Here’s the 10” version with 12 each of the two colored HSTs


and the 12” all scrappy, well sort of


Then you sew the HSTs together like this paying attention to where the background fabric goes, notice my 9” versions have half going sideways and half going up and down again


Then sew these together with the chisel units to make the quarter blocks


and now half blocks


And finally put the whole block together (x3)


This is how mine look on the wall!

2019 QAL block2

Then you sew the blocks together into rows, alternating the blocks, start with 1,2,1,2,1,2 like this!


Here’s a close up of the 6” version it now measures 6 1/2” x 36 1/2” (that’s how wide the quilt will be)

2019 QAL block2

and the 8” version, it measures 8 1/2” x 48 1/2”

2019 QAL block2

9” version, it measures 9 1/2” x 54 1/2”

2019 QAL block2

10” version, it measures 10 1/2” x 60 1/2”

2019 QAL block2

and lastly the 12” version, it measures 12 1/2” x 72 1/2”

2019 QAL block2

Have fun!

Here’s pictures of last week’s participants, they all did a GREAT job!

some followed the rainbow idea and some didn’t, so these are going to be some fun quilts!!

1 melodee QAL blocks1 kathy QAL blocks1 karen QAL blockssheryl 1 QAL blocks1 senta QAL block1 rosemary QAL blocks1 Lee Ann QAL blocks1 carol QAL block11 angela block QAL1 Lupe QAL block1 lynne QAL block1 Sue QAL block1 catherin block 1 QAL1 Joni QAL block 11 pamela block 1 QAL1 carol QAL block1 denise QAL block3 michelle block 1 QAL1 betty QAL blocks11 Anne block 1 QAL 3 blocks1 candice QAL block 11 maud block1 QAL1 sharolyn blocks QAL1 kristine QAL block1 dulca QAL1 margaret sort of1 Paris

1 edie QAL blocks

1 Renee QAL block

4 thoughts on “2019 QAL BLOCK 2”

  1. This is a fun block. I do wish that Accuquilt had this size chisel for sale separately though.

  2. Jeanne Staley

    How do you, the participants and BEA, organize each week's blocks? Are you using ZipLoc bags and labeling them? Thank you

  3. Karen Wheeler

    I cut mine and sewed the first of three block #2. It looks fine but I have several chisel shapes facing the wrong way! At least they haven't been sewn into blocks. Just sewed them to my cream background triangles though. I have lots of those triangles and hopefully more blue for the chisels.

    1. Karen Wheeler

      I recut those chisels and a few more white triangles. Sewed the blocks. Great.

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