2019 QAL BLOCK 1


Welcome to the 2019 QUBE QAL that’s a ROW ALONG!

It’s similar in a way to last year, but only that the blocks are different sizes! This time they don’t go together like a puzzle, but in rows and my initial plan was rainbow colors!

BUT if you don’t want that, then look here for more yardage info.

for my 6” QUBE version I’m using this Hansel and Gretel FQ bundle and solid white as the background.


For the 8” version, it’s scraps of blue and yellow as the background

For the 9” version I’m using this FQ bundle and nothing else.


for the 10” version I’m using these 4 fabrics with the black as the background


and the 12” is rainbow scrappy!

I wanted the first block to be something fun and “different”

so it IS the one above with the QAL info Smile

You’ll be making 3 of this one!

A bit confused about the middle?? don’t be, it’s fun!!

-if you are using yardage, see the blocks at the end of the post, you don’t HAVE to do this as a crumb block Winking smile

First, get out your bin of yellow scraps!

As you saw on my intro link, I only followed the rainbow rule with the 12” QUBE version and my 8” version I’m doing all BLUES and then the background color is a yardage of yellow, so here I just got out my bins of yellow and blue


We’re making crumb blocks

First sew sets of strips or fabrics together 3 times, just make sure it lays flat.


Then trim a little bit off after ironing, otherwise big chunks would be kind of “boring”

I also like to trim deliberately at an angle to create more interest!


keep going like this!


and more


and more- here I started trimming opposite and adding new fabric to the sides


The center block is die #1, so keep going with the yellows or whatever color until it covers die #1 and cut it out, here I usually just cut one at a time.


Here’s my 3 blue blocks (8” QUBE set)


and here’s 3 in yellow with the 12” QUBE set!


For some reason I FORGOT to take pictures of the cutting of the rest!

With yellow scraps (or whatever color you are using, cut out (12) of #4 Quarter square triangles.

then cut out (24) of  white or your background fabric of die #5.

(Also I’m not going to say how wide you need to cut your fabric for each die, my intensions were scrappy and also since there’s 5 QUBE sets now, it’s just a lot and after you’ve used your own QUBE set, you should have notes on how wide to cut the fabrics- I know I write in the corner of my dies, hope you down’ mind!)

Sew these into flying geese like this.

With my 6” set, I’m using a FQ bundle and white, 8” set it’s all blues with yellow as the background, with the 9” it’s JUST a FQ bundle, with 10” I’m using 4 colors and this black print is the background, the 12” is all rainbow scrappy!


make sure to iron your seams OPEN


Now with yellow cut out (12) of #2 squares and sew the yellow squares to the sides of 2 flying geese like this and add the other flying geese to the sides of the center crumb block.


Then sew the block together like this

As you can see, I used yardage for my 6”, 9” and 10” and just cut out the center #1 squares out of one fabric.


sorry these directions might be a bit confusing, I forgot to take pictures of all the cut pieces and this block in my original plan was block #2, so well you’ll get block #1 next week.

And this is a simple star block so not hard at all and there’s 3 of them! Smile


Don’t forget to take a picture of your blocks and upload to the QUBE group on FB!

If you’re on instagram let’s use #2019QubeQALwithBea


If you need to buy the companion sets, please click thru any of my banners! I’m an affiliate so I get a small commission when you buy something Winking smile

we’ll be using the companion corners next week and the angles set in a few weeks.

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1 thought on “2019 QAL BLOCK 1”

  1. K. i M. Jones

    This is sure to be exciting! Thank you for all you DO for Accuquilt Community World Wide! I'm no longer on Facebook and Google+ is closing – so I will rely on your blog, emails and Instagram. Once again – THANKS! ♥

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