2018 QUBE QAL Borders- or not

Here’s the final layout of the finished quilt, no matter what QUBE set you use Smile

If using the 6” QUBE it finishes at 45” x 52”

If using the 8” QUBE it finishes at 60” x 68”

If using the 9” QUBE it finishes at 67.5” x 76.5”

and if using the 12” QUBE it finishes at 90” x 102”

sampler QAL

My original plan was to use QSTs and HSTs for the outer borders like this.

(4) of these HSTs for the corners


and (56) of these QST blocks with die #4, all scrappy!

qube qal39border56

But with my 6” QUBE version I just added a skinny border.

6" qube QAL beaquilter final quilt baby blue

Then quilted it

long arm quilting qube sampler quilt

I quilted a quick pointy swirl all over it

long arm quilting qube sampler quilt

The backing was pieced from leftover fabrics (That plaid just had to be used, I didn’t like it anymore)

qube sampler quilt scrappy backing

With the 8” QUBE I decided to use a skinny border and a wide border, whatever I had left I cut up!

8" qube QAL beaquilter final quilt red black

Here it is all quilted

final QAL 2018

I quilted an allover swirl on it also

long arm quilting swirls

So my idea to make it work though is to add the inner border first.

It has to finish at a 1/4 of the finishes block size, so for the 6” qube it finishes at 1 1/2” so 2” x 42 1/2” and 2” x 39 1/2” cut

8” qube it would finish at 2” so 2 1/2” x 56 1/2” and 2 1/2” x  52 1/2” (pieced together from 1 1/2 WOF strip)

9” finishes at 2 1/4” so 2 3/4” x 63 1/2” and 2 3/4” x 59”

and 12” finishes at 3” so 3 1/2” x 84 1/2” and 3 1/2” x 78 1/2”

If following the chart above and cutting out enough for 56 blocks of the QST, it requires 56 x 4= 224 triangles cut with die #4!

There’s 15 blocks on the sides and 13 on the top and bottom


Then with the corner blocks I used die #2 and cut out 4 triangles and I planned it so one print is turned so the blocks would be facing right side up.


like this Smile


In a very random order I sewed together all the QSTs but also made sure they were facing right side up!


Once I got all the QST blocks made I sewed together 2 sets of 15 for the sides, and 2 sets of 13 for the top and bottom (again paying attention to the direction of the fabric) but not really caring that fabrics are close to each other, I didn’t want them to touch but two of the same could still be near each other.


Then I added the inner border(s)

and then the outer borders where I added the corner HSTs to the top and bottom borders. When adding this last row, there’s certain spots where you can line up the seams or eyeball the seams to line up with seams from the center of the quilt like this.


here’s the 12” quilt all done, it’s a BEAST!! huge at 90 x 102” but FUN!! I love it.


I had so much fun teasing the group with the pictures of me quilting it!


Here it is on my bed, it’s too big to get a straight shot or too heavy to hang, oh well, you saw the picture of the top Smile

final QAL quilt 12" qube

Now you could do the borders simple like I did with some or do the blocks like I did with the 12” qube set or make up your own 1/4 block or half blocks, there’s piano keys, logs, squares, triangles, flying geese etc.

it’s really up to you!

With the 8” QUBE version I added a 2 1/2” (2” finished) skinny border (1/4 of the block size) then a bunch of 2 1/2” squares and lastly a 4 1/2” white border.

QUBE QAL Accuquilt sampler quilt

I also teased the group with pictures of this one!

IMG_20180908_085934166QAL final 9" qube

I quilted the 12” and 9” version almost the same, I did curves from corner to corner on all the block pieces and a thin ribbon on the inner border.



On the BIG quilt the outer border had blocks so that was the same, but the 9” version I had a nice white border which was just screaming for a fancy feather design Smile

long arm quilting feathers

I marked the mid point of all the sides, on the sides the feathers “started” so I did a little swirly thing.


Then at the top the feathers met at the center, and the bottom


I hope you had fun with this QAL, and I’m sorry if the yardage was off for some as it was for me, it’s so hard to tell when we’re cutting one block at a time. I loved seeing all the blocks done each week if all the different color combinations!

I have to say I’m BLOWN away by the excitement for this QAL and all the participants did an awesome job!

Here’s some tops so far

carolyn layoutmelodee layoutbetty layoutterry layoutconnie layoutmargaret layoutcarol layoutdiane layout5diane layout4karen layoutmichelle layoutrobin layoutjudy final2kristine layoutkathy layoutdebbie layoutcheryl layoutgill layoutdiane layout3diane layout2diane layout1angel layoutdonna finalsusan final

I had requests from the participants about me long arm quilting their quilt for them, I’d LOVE to! email me!! (There’s a tab at the top for more info)

and for participants I’ll ship the quilt back for FREE!

Who wants to join another QAL? Should I do one now or wait until 2019?

I already have the design made and the theme is “gradient rainbow” and it’s a Row Along quilt!

I’m itching to start it already, so I could start it soon or should I be patient and wait?

2 thoughts on “2018 QUBE QAL Borders- or not”

  1. I didn't join y'all until this was almost done. I wonder if there is somewhere to see/ do this (Yes I know it's over) as for the next one, since I was to late for this I have no room to comment.

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