2018 QUBE QAL block 24

qube qal24

Block 24 is a 1:1 block called turnstile

it’s made with dies #3 and #4 and fabrics B,C and E

With fabrics B and C cut out (4) each with die #4

and with fabric E cut out (4) with die #3


lay out the block like this and decide if you want the light or darker fabric on the inside of the “pinwheel”


Sew these #4s together, iron seams open


Then add the #3 triangles again iron seams open


Then sew two of these together into half a block


finish block and still iron seams open


here’s the completed block

block 24 QAL Qube

Here’s the 4 sizes together, notice how the 8” and 12” used some directional fabrics, just pay attention when sewing the 1/4 blocks together into block.

block 24 QAL Qube

Have fun!

Here’s pics from last week’s participants

23carolyn323carolync23carolyn223carolyn23lynne23bettyd1paris23carol23pam23susan23sheryl23hannah23donna23ashley23angie23 senta23dianem23connie23 sheryl23 michelle23cat23 margaret23 diane

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