2018 QUBE QAL block 2

are you having fun with this QAL?

I must say I’m BLOWN away at how many have joined this on FB!! it’s SEW much fun to see the different blocks being made- see below

ready for block #2?

This time it’s a card trick block

and it’s another 1.5 sized block

It uses ONLY the QUBE set this time and is easy to make, just need to focus Winking smile

You’ll need shapes #3 and #4 from the QUBE set (same size as last time)- always stay with the same qube size, if you want to use another qube set, then make another identical quilt, it’ll just be bigger or smaller)

And this block is nice because it uses ALL of the 5 fabrics that’s needed for this QAL!

A-D for the “cards” and E for the background.

If you want to “cheat” and your A color is the only solid and you want to use that for the background, then use B-E for the “cards”, totally up to you! (Just account for a bit more fabric or sub it out later in the QAL)

Here for instance, for my 12” QUBE version my “E” fabric is dark, then I picked 4 other bright colors as the “cards”


From fabrics A,B,C,D cut out (2) of shape #3 and (2) of shape #4

from fabric E cut out (4) of shape #3 and (4) of shape #4

(I know that #4 is a QST block so it will cut out 4, just put those aside, we “might” use them later on, I haven’t figured that out yet)

It’s easy enough to cut lay all 5 fabrics on the dies and cut them out (2 layers of “E” on die #3)


8” version


the 9” version is the only version where die #4 is split, so here you can cut exactly 2 as needed of each fabric


and 12” version


start out with the 4 different #4 triangles and lay out the center how you want the “cards” to look


the lay out the remaining fabrics around it as shown

I chose to have the cards go counter clockwise, so the larger #3 triangle always points to the left out from the center.


Then I sewed as many sets of small #4 triangles together and the 4 corner #3 triangle blocks and ironed toward the dark fabrics.


Then added the remaining large triangles to the smaller triangle units and finished up the center square too


when you then sew the rows and block together, iron the seams open!


and here’s the completed block

The first time my husband saw this, he said it looked like a swastika, but that “usually” goes clockwise, so I’m glad I did counter clockwise!

and no it’s NOT, it’s a card trick block Winking smile


here’s the 4 blocks all together (okay so the red one I can see why my husband said that!- it’s the black and red and white colors!) I’ll just ignore that, once it’s all in the quilt, it won’t stick out like that!

-here the 9” version I used fabric A- white for the background- I have plenty of white fabric, so that won’t be a problem!


Have fun making your CARD TRICK blocks…

And ready for some eye candy from participants?

All these blocks are just GREAT!!

(Sorry if I missed some, I really tried to grab all the pics, my weekend got swamped and I’m packing to go to Denmark this week, for a week, so I’m scheduling blog posts ahead of time)




1Betty9in1Debbie9in1Debbiealternate81elizabeth12in1geraldine18in1kathy1lea1lindastaralternate1lorri6in1lupe8inqube1Maryaltnernate91meegan18in1Melodee1patty9in1roz9inqube1sharleen9in1shayne1shelda8inqube1stacy1susan9in1teresa alternate1tracy9in


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