1yr ago

It’s been a year since I got the worse phone call a parent ever wants.

I’ve blogged a bit of an update too on Bjorn here

and that was 2 months ago

where his braces came off and he looked like this


Because his teeth are still not great, we’ve been in contact with a prosthodontist

and Bjorn is getting Veneers!!

after the 2nd visit at UNC Dental school, Dr Clark put these on Bjorn to try them out and see what it would look like.

It’s hard to see, but he’ll have longer front teeth and a slight overbite!!

this was just a plastic set, then in a little over a week, Bjorn will get a “trial” smile that’s also plastic that will be glued onto his front teeth, but all 4 will be connected (so can’t floss between the front teeth) he’ll wear that for 2 weeks, so his brain and lips etc will get used to it.

THEN he’ll get permanent porcelain veneers!

they are not shaving down his real teeth at all, just maybe buffering them a little to glue them on and that’s it!


He’ll wear that until he’s an adult and he’ll still eventually need implants (6 of them) but now it’s not in such a rush. and these veneers are thick! so it will take some getting used to, but if he had invisalign braces for a year, then metal braces for a year too, this shouldn’t be a problem.

And I bet he’ll be more confident too!!

and guess what!? as I blogged about two months ago, he still wants to become a dentist/ orthodontist, the prosthodontist said he should come shadow her and she’ll have connections to help him get into dental school! so we’ll see, if he still wants to do it when he finishes college (he’s in early college now that combines highschool and college) so he’ll have an associates in 2-3yrs, then 2 more years to get a bachelor’s…. just gotta keep the grades up Smile

anyways, we’re super excited about his “new” teeth.

(he still has to finish a 3rd root canal and a possible 4th eventually too)

So, If he becomes a dentist, then that’s the hidden Blessing in this whole ordeal the last year!!

5 thoughts on “1yr ago”

  1. QuiltShopGal

    Oh my what a smile. Bjorn's smile just made my day, especially with your good news.QuiltShopGalwww.quiltshopgal.com

  2. Thanks for the update…as a parent you never want that phone call. So glad he is ok and maybe headed to a great career! Blessing to you all.

  3. Pamela Arbour

    Thanks for the update. I know this has been a long hard time for all of you. I am so glad to see that he is looking so good and they were able to fix him up.

  4. Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting

    Wow! I didn't know all of this, until I read your posts. What a journey. A girl in my class in high school, when thru the car window, and crushed all the bones in her face, and ran for student office from home (no school that year, because of all the surgeries). Her looks totally changed, but, she recovered completely. I'm glad you have a strong faith, and a great church family. What a difference those things make.

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